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The Complete Guide to Effective Note-Making in Roam Research
The Complete Guide to Effective Note-Making in Roam Research
1) how to craft your Zettelkasten of atomic notes, 2) actually master books and write essays
Maarten van Doorn
Aug 1, 2021
Who’s afraid of Cambridge Analytica?
Who’s afraid of Cambridge Analytica?
Cunning marketers can predict and manipulate our behaviour. Facebook knows your soul. Google is hacking your brain.
Maarten van Doorn
Jun 21, 2021
Reasons Why Post-truth Claims Are Plausible, and Evidence That They Are Not true
Reasons Why Post-truth Claims Are Plausible, and Evidence That They...
Algorithms and the new (dis)information landscape: disaster afoot or unjustified epistemic panic?
Maarten van Doorn
Apr 30, 2021
The Stakes Are High, Don’t Shun Contrarians!
The Stakes Are High, Don’t Shun Contrarians!
Why enforced intellectual conformism hurts truth-finding
Maarten van Doorn
Sep 24, 2020
Worse, but More Moral, So Better?
Worse, but More Moral, So Better?
Talking morals and not consequences is deceptive: we have similar values. So: how much do we really want people to participate in politics?
Maarten van Doorn
Aug 25, 2020
What I Can’t Believe
What I Can’t Believe
Privilege, standpoint epistemology and lived experiences: why one may claim a statement is knowledge only if it can be debunked in…
Maarten van Doorn
Aug 10, 2020
Truth as a Power Game
Truth as a Power Game
Introducing the renewed blog
Maarten van Doorn
Aug 4, 2020
Truth in the Post-Truth Era: It’s Not That Complicated
Truth in the Post-Truth Era: It’s Not That Complicated
Why you don’t need to worry about lying politicians, fake news, and filter bubbles
Maarten van Doorn
Dec 12, 2019
Reality-Making: The Art of Distinguishing Truth from Falsehood
Reality-Making: The Art of Distinguishing Truth from Falsehood
Understanding the constitution of knowledge (and the new attacks on it)
Maarten van Doorn
Nov 27, 2019
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