Archive of stories published by The Vue Point

Vue 2.0 is Here!

Today I am thrilled to announce the official release of Vue.js 2.0: Ghost in the Shell. After 8 alphas, 8 betas and 8 rcs (a total coincidence!), Vue.js 2.0 is ready for production! The official guide has been fully updated and is available at

Retiring vue-resource

As Vue users, many of you may have used vue-resource for handling ajax requests in your Vue applications. For a long time it’s been thought of as the “official” ajax library for Vue, but today we are retiring it from official recommendation status.

Vue in 2016

It’s already end of 2016! During the past 12 months, Vue’s growth has been consistently exceeding my expectations — the project has grown…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Vue Point; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.