So long Drip and Animal Farm, AMMdefi is so much better

WARNING: DO NOT deposit funds to AMMdefi! DO NOT SIGNUP for AMMdefi! They halted withdrawals a couple days ago and it looks like the project is done. They have runoff with everyone’s money! I have removed registration links from all my articles. If there is any change, I will revise this notice.

Chris Koepf
The Wild World of Crypto
7 min readNov 12, 2022


If you like Drip and Animal Farm because of their compounding profits or you absolutely detest and dislike both of them because of the risk of the prices falling to $0, there is a good chance you will want check out the AMMdefi app.

I must admit that I still compound my Drip and plants in my Drip Garden everyday with the occasional claiming of profits. I have also been dabbling in the Animal Farm on and off since it’s original launch and now with the relaunch. Both can produce some nice profits, but if any of the token values hit bottom, so do the profits. Drip has been losing value since it’s high last December.

AMMdefi provides the same returns as Drip Network (and better as you level up) without the risk of Drip. Both Drip Network and Animal Farm depend on the value of their respective tokens to make you more profit. With AMMdefi you can make money regardless of any individual token and regardless of market conditions. Whether it is a BULL or a BEAR market profits are still made using AMMdefi’s proprietary algorithms to perform cross exchange arbitrage. There is ALWAYS variance between different exchanges for all tokens. I won’t get into fully explaining arbitrage in this article, but for more information please see this explanation on Investopedia: How Arbitraging Works in Investing

Crypto Arbitrage

Yahoo Finance posted an article back in October about AMMdefi and it’s Highly Esteemed Multinational Technology Company: Yahoo Finance — AMMdefi article

To get started with AMMdefi, you will need to register through this link (link removed temporarily) on your phone or your computer. If using your phone you’ll have to click a link that will open the corresponding App Store (depending on your device) and download the appropriate app for your phone then continue to register as a new user. You need an invitation code to register and if you found this article through a friend, make sure to use their invitation code to register. If you don’t know anyone registered on AMMdefi or you just want to support a great guy for providing this useful information, feel free to use my invitation code on the registration page.

Invitation Code: LsulMl

After registering, to get started making daily profits, you will need to transfer funds in USDT (Tether) via the TRC-20 network to your account on AMMdefi. Click the “Recharge” button and enter the amount you wish to deposit then click the confirm button to reveal your account address to transfer to. There is a “Select Recharge Channel” link below the confirm button that will display a list of preferred exchanges, but ultimately you can transfer from anywhere, AS LONG AS it’s USDT transferring on the TRC-20 (Tron) Network. Transfers on Tron don’t usually take more than a couple of minutes.

To qualify for bonuses and to help the person that invited you, AMMdefi recommends transferring $60 USD in USDT and to get bigger bonuses, transfer $100 USD in USDT.

Please be careful when transferring funds to or from any wallet or exchange account. Read all the information on both sides of the transfer and take your time. You are transferring real money and if you make a mistake, you could possibly lose your funds into the abyss of crypto land. Transfers on the Tron Network typically only take a few minutes.

Once you’ve deposited USDT funds (or “recharge” as they refer to it), click the “Asset” button while logged in. On the Asset page, you will see the funds that you have available. Click the orange “Start” button to start the first arbitrage operation. After a few minutes, you will see that you’ve earned about 1% profit. The “Intro” page says that as a new user (VIP1) you’ll earn between 1.5% to 3% a day by using your two available operations per day. When the first operation completes, click the “Start” button again to use your second operation and watch the profits come in.

Not only does AMMdefi not depend on any specific token, but if you decide it’s not for you, you can ACTUALLY pull all or some of your funds out for a minimal 6% fee. The 6% withdrawal fee is an incentive to make a deposit and at least give the system a try for a few days.

I registered just about 3 weeks ago and initially deposited $199 of USDT (yeah, I goofed and got charged a $1 fee on the exchange I transferred from). After the first week, I had already earned $42.93 by using my 2 operations per day and leaving my original deposit in my account. Unfortunately the screenshot I saved was from a day prior to 1 week which shows $37.71 total earnings.

Account after 6 days

There is only one requirement for you to keep making money on AMMdefi…. well…. 2. First you have to open the app or go to the site and click the “Start” button for the amount of times you’re allotted a day and second, you need to invite at least one other person within 5 weeks to be able to continue profiting. If you invite more people to join, you can level up to additional levels which will earn you additional operations and additional bonuses.

If you were to deposit $100, you only ever invite 1 person, stay Level 1 and continue to take your 2 operations a day with a minimum return of 1.5% per a day (I’m using the lowest figures just to show the possibilities), you will earn a whopping $22,814.24 in one full year. For the nervous type of person, at the LOWEST profit used in my previous example, you would earn your initial $100 investment back, plus the 6% withdrawal fee, in just 51 days. At that time, you could pull out your original $100, pay the 6% fee and still have $100 balance to continue compounding with. If by chance you decide you want to quit right after you join, just make sure you take your 2 operations per day for 4 days and you will have earned enough to cover the 6% fee and get your original $100 deposit back in full. This really is a money printer the way I see it.

Here is the compounding interest calculator I used: Compound Interest Calculator

Feel free to run your own numbers. In fact, I encourage you to run your own numbers. Don’t trust me! Do your own research and you’re going to see what I have seen.

Week 2 update: I had made another $40 USDT, simply by clicking “Start” for my daily operations. While my other crypto investments have been all over the place because the market has been so crazy, AMMdefi has been chugging along and making profits everyday.

Account after 2 weeks

At 1 day prior to 3 weeks, my profits are multiplying even more. I’ve received $117.35 total since my initial investment almost 3 weeks ago.

Account after 3 weeks

I don’t know of any crypto or another app that will allow you to keep making profits like this, regardless of the market conditions. There are certainly staking options and other trading bots, but I have not found one that doesn’t take losses once in a while. I am finding AMMdefi just amazing at this point.

This one is definitely worth a look.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and this is NOT financial advice. I am only an investor and am sharing my personal experience. The information provided is only my opinion. All crypto trading comes with risk. Please trade responsibly.

To keep up on latest bonus events, be sure to join our Reddit Community below and also join the reward group on Telegram.

Here are some additional links with more information:

AMMdefi Garage — Team Support on Reddit:

AMMdefi Whitepaper:

AMMdefi Official Reward Group on Telegram:

Articles Published after this one:

AMMdefi is out producing my Drip investment by a mile!

Debunk the FUD about AMMdefi

How to get started with AMMdefi

My AMMdefi withdrawal progress

After talking with and sharing this with a bunch of people, I have been asked a couple of questions. Here are the responses.

  1. What’s the catch? This sounds too good to be true. — Technically, there is no catch. Arbitrage trading is a well known trading method. The AMMdefi team has dialed in custom algorithms to maximize Arbitrage which is what you are making profit on. I guess if you really want to look at it, you could call the invitation requirement a catch. For you to keep making profits after 5 weeks, you have to invite at least 1 person and have them deposit $60 or more USDT. I really don’t think that’s a big deal. After 5 weeks, you will have made all of your initial investment back and then some and if you share that with friends you have to know 1 person that will be interested enough to join.
  2. How do you withdraw funds? — withdrawals work similar to any exchange or wallet transfer. You enter the amount to withdraw, the wallet address you are transferring to, your asset password and mobile phone number to receive a verification text message. The transaction fees get cheaper as your level increases. If you’re level 1 and haven’t invited anyone to join, it’ll cost 6% of the transaction. The fees are actually cheap when you compare to other compounding apps like Drip, Animal Farm, Piston, etc. Most of those charge a 10% fee, not to mention you can’t ever withdraw your initial deposit, only the profits you are making.



Chris Koepf
The Wild World of Crypto

Private investor and entrepreneur with many additional interests and passions.