Top Stories published by in March of 2012

F# — Extending Discriminated Unions using marker interfaces

One of the problems with using F#’s Discriminated Unions is that they are not extensible, in that all your union cases must be specified inside one Discriminated Union (abbreviated to DU from this point) type and you can’t…

F# — Serializing F# Record and Discriminated Union types

I love using F#’s Record and Discriminated Union types, they work nicely with pattern matching inside your F# code and can often alleviate some of the ceremony involved around creating and using a complex object hierarchy.

Recording for my webinar with PostSharp

Again, I’d like to thank Igal Tabachnik and SharpCrafters for inviting me to do the webinar, the recording of the session is now available on their Vimeo channel.

Slides and Source Code for my webinar with PostSharp

Following my recent webinar with SharpCrafters on how to setup pseudo real-time performance monitoring using Aspect Oriented Programming and Amazon CloudWatch, I’d like to say thanks to the guys for having me, it was a great fun

PostSharp webinar

I will be doing a webinar with the good folks of PostSharp on the 22nd March to talk about the use of AOP and AWS CloudWatch as a pseudo real-time performance monitoring tool (see high-level overview here).