Top Stories published by in August of 2012

Filbert — added BERT-RPC client + NuGet

Since my previous post on Filbert I have added a simple but functional BERT-RPC client which I have managed to test against native Erlang modules running on Ernie.

Filbert — a BERT serializer for .Net

I spent the last couple of nights and put together a small BERT serializer for .Net called Filbert.

What’s BERT?

BERT (Binary ERlang Term) is a binary format based on Erlang’s binary serialization format (as used…

Performance Test — Json Serializers Part III

Note: Don’t forget to check out Benchmarks page to see the latest round up of binary and JSON serializers.

Following on from my previous test, I have now included JsonFx and as well as the Json.Net BSON serializer in the mix…

Simple Speed Tester — moved to Github!

Since I’m liking git more and more by the day, with tools such as SmartGit and GitFlow making the task of managing even a complex branching model a relatively easy task, I’ve decided to move my Simple Speed Tester project over to github!