Top Stories published by in 2018

how to do fan-out and fan-in with AWS Lambda

In the last post, we look at how you can imple­ment pub-sub with AWS Lamb­da. We com­pared sev­er­al event sources you can use, SNS, Kine­sis streams and DynamoDB streams, and the trade­offs avail­able to you.

Step Functions : apply try-catch to a block of states

In my last post we talked about how we can imple­ment sem­a­phores with Step Func­tions. Anoth­er com­mon sce­nario that many peo­ple have is to han­dle errors from a block of states like we’re used to with a try-catch block.

My top picks from JeffConf Hamburg 2018

All the videos from Jef­f­Conf Ham­burg is now avail­able on YouTube. You can also find slides and sketch­notes from the agen­da page on their web­site.

There were a lot of good talks to pick from, but here are my top 3.