Top Stories published by in 2017

AWS Lambda — use recursive function to process SQS messages (Part 1)

(this post is ported from my blog, it’s dated 2016/04/22 so some of the screenshots are out-of-date as the Serverless framework has moved from 0.x to 1.x)

AWS Lambda — use recursive function to process SQS messages (Part 2)

(this post is ported from my blog, it’s dated 2016/09/01 so some of the screenshots are out-of-date as the Serverless framework has moved from 0.x to 1.x)

from F# to Scala : case class & object

aka Algebraic Data Types, or ADTs

This is part 3 of a series.

Continuing on from where we left off with traits last time around, let’s look at Scala’s case class/object which can be used to…

from F# to Scala : apply & unapply

This is part 4 of a series.

Last time around we looked at Scala’s case class in depth and how it compares to F#’s Discriminated Unions. F# also has Active Patterns, which is a very powerful language feature in its own right. Unsurprisingly…

from F# to Scala : implicit

This is part 5 of a series.

Having looked at case class and extractors recently, the next logical thing would be partial functions. Since Andrea pointed me to a really well article on the subject I don’t think there’s anything else for me to add, so…