THEOS 2021: A Year in Review
Published in
5 min readJan 18, 2022

2021 has been without a doubt, one of the most tumultuous years for cryptocurrency and blockchain in general. With 365 days characterized by unfathomable gains, black-swan events, scams, rug-pulls, protocols development and heightened adoption, the space proves to be simultaneously developing, yet nascent.

As we walk that short path between the end of a year and the beginning of another one, we find ourselves with a rare opportunity to revisit our previous steps and to plan for the upcoming ones.

As much as we would like to say that THEOS had an exceptional year, it would be technically incorrect. As it happens, everything we have managed to achieve we did since June — with most of it happening after our IDO, on September 1st. This means that everything — all the product, marketing, and community achievements — virtually happened in the mere lapse of four months.

Let’s take a look at (the final stretch of) 2021. If you haven’t been around for long, this is a great opportunity to quickly catch up on everything that happened during these last few months with THEOS.

Proposing a new vision for NFTs and building towards it: Ecosystem growth in 2021

As we have repeatedly stated, current NFT advancements and appreciation fall short of their true potential. Our vision for NFTs has been and continues to be a holistic one — we believe NFTs are poised to become a fundamental aspect of our transactional life, both digital and physical. Yet we need to build the tools necessary for this scenery to materialize.

To achieve this goal, we reimagined what a comprehensive NFT platform should look like. The first protocol that could truly enable the unbonded scaling of NFTs. THEOS aims to become a one-stop-shop for NFTs that is not limited to the current art-related ecosystem, but that can cater to any future NFT representation of tangible and intangible assets.

THEOS Origins: Our IDO Event

On September 1st, THEOS carried out its Initial Decentralized Offer (IDO) through the OccamRazer Launchpad. Nearly 450 Occam community members were able to participate in the public offering of the token, the greatest number of participants up to that moment. Exactly 102.57 ETH was raised to jumpstart the project, marking a new beginning for the NFT space.

Product updates

Since then, we have prioritised developing a platform where each tool builds on top of each other. By December we already had three main live products on the Polygon Mainnet

  1. Minting platform: The first stage for a truly comprehensive NFT hub is to enable minting to its users. THEOS provides the most seamless Minting platform, with a truly user-focused UI/UX that includes a drag-and-drop feature.
  2. Genesis Pool: THEOS was built as a promise for true liquidity for NFTs. Since our IDO 4 months ago, we have already delivered the technology that will enable us to deliver what we set out to.
  3. Liquidity Mining Program: In order to provide a stable ecosystem for our $THEOS token, we developed a Liquidity Mining Program, so that project supporters can enjoy an enticing APY percentage for providing liquidity to our Uniswap pool.


Growing a blockchain ecosystem requires external forces to fill the gaps one might have, leveraging heterogeneous members with different skill sets. At THEOS we understand that the best way to grow our platform is by generating strategic partnerships with projects that share a common goal.

We are excited to announce that THEOS has entered into +10 partnerships in the past five months.

We can categorize our partnerships into strategic partnerships and social causes:

  • Strategic partnerships: THEOS has been able to cement strategic partnerships with projects with high potential. The list includes our incubator, Cardwallet, Sheesha Finance, Squares Capital, TWO TWO, Pluto Digital, BLOK BioScience, and Blockchain Cuties.
  • Social-cause partnerships: Through our association with Oxychain, THEOS took a tangible step towards its pledge of carbon neutrality. Oxychain integrates interoperability between carbon markets and the digital world, promoting the development of carbon credits from reforestation and land preservation projects with their product OxyFarms. Yet the philosophy pillar transformation didn’t end there. Besides Oxychain, THEOS entered into a partnership with Global Pandemic Shield, a scientific social organization committed to decentralizing resource distribution that helps ignite scientific research through the use of artwork and NFTs.

Community Growth

Still, partnerships form only a side of the equation — the other side is community development. Creating the organic scenery for users to meet and eventually form a community is no easy task in an industry characterized by a speculative drive and hopes of high returns. At THEOS we pride ourselves on our community — we seek to constantly engage with them and bring more people on board to make it stronger. We intend to build a community that can eventually be autonomous, and that can participate in the future THEOS DAO.

At the time of writing, we have reached

- ~ 16k users on Telegram

- 15k followers on Twitter

- over 700 members on Discord.

As excited as we are with these metrics, we’ll keep pushing to solidify our community and protocol. Recently we launched the THEOS Titan (Ambassador) Program, a community-centric program to onboard community members as official team members, and that can assist THEOS in the realization of our long-term goals.


Since September, THEOS has been a part of several events and activations in the global scene:


THEOS kept moving forward on its pillar of token democratization. Since our IDO we have surged to ~1k tokenholders (not counting CEX holders) and listed $THEOS in several centralized and decentralized exchanges on the Ethereum network:, MEXC, Probit and Uniswap.

Recently we also launched a THEOS child token on the Polygon Mainnet. This Sushiswap THEOS-MATIC liquidity pool enables THEOS supporters to get ahold of $THEOS tokens in a virtually zero gas fee environment.

Stay tuned, as we will soon share what’s coming for THEOS in 2022!

About THEOS: The THEOS ecosystem is managed and sustained by our Association, a team of both traditional finance and blockchain virtuosos. We envision a new way of thinking, minting and trading NFTs, and have developed what we believe is going to become the next-generation community-governed NFT platform. THEOS will become the first NFT platform in Cardano, the blockchain with the highest potential out there.

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