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Thought Pills
Thought Pills
Handpicked thoughts about life, entrepreneurship and business for real human beings. Home to inspiring life lessons, creativity, writing and self improvement stories on Medium.
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It’s that simple. But not easy.

by Yann Girard

Most things in life are simple. In theory. But they are not easy when it comes to implementing them in real life. When it comes to living these things.

It’s exhausting..

by Yann Girard

To show up every single day.

To do your thing every single day.

To get going when you don’t feel like it.


by Yann Girard

Less. Less is more. The power of less. Everybody is talking about less.

But less of what? Pretty much less of everything.

And that’s where we’re back to the initial problem. There is just too much of everything so…

The first step

appeared first in my head

99% of the people never take that first step. It’s an ego thing. I think.

Whenever you take that first step you might be the one to blame. You might be the one who’ll get rejected. And rejection is never easy.