Archive of stories published by Times A Wastin

US GDP and The Rate of Profit

A lot of heat and column inches has been generated, particularly in recent years over the question of the rate of profit. I have pointed out in the past that a lot of the debate has been rather pointless, because the data that was being used for the various claims was itself…

Tracking The Crisis of 2008–2007–2008 Economic Boom and A Severe Financial Warning

In my September 2007 Blog post Northern Rocked, I described the way that in the previous period, western economies, the US and UK in particular, had turned more sharply towards service…

Who Sabotaged The Nordstream Pipelines?

Its been a while since it was reported that the two Nordstream pipelines running from Russia into Germany, beneath the Baltic Sea, had been sabotaged, by three explosions. Of course, western media, immediately pointed the finger at Russia, claiming that it was…

These were the top 10 stories published by Times A Wastin; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Times A Wastin
Is a new publication Edited by Arthur Bough. It aims to provide an insight on current events from a Marxist perspective. The name comes from the title of a Northern Soul favourite of the editor from the early 1970’s, by The Fuller Brothers, and sums up the fact of much to do.
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