Top Stories published by Times A Wastin in 2018

Tracking The Crisis of 2008–2007–2008 Economic Boom and A Severe Financial Warning

In my September 2007 Blog post Northern Rocked, I described the way that in the previous period, western economies, the US and UK in particular, had turned more sharply towards service…

Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism — A Detailed Critique — Introduction

As Paul kindly listed me, in the acknowledgements for his book, alongside luminaries such as Steve Keen, for having influenced his thinking, I feel that it has been somewhat remiss of me only to have responded, so far…

These were the top 10 stories published by Times A Wastin in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Times A Wastin
Is a new publication Edited by Arthur Bough. It aims to provide an insight on current events from a Marxist perspective. The name comes from the title of a Northern Soul favourite of the editor from the early 1970’s, by The Fuller Brothers, and sums up the fact of much to do.
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