Top Stories published by Times A Wastin in April of 2016

US GDP and The Rate of Profit

A lot of heat and column inches has been generated, particularly in recent years over the question of the rate of profit. I have pointed out in the past that a lot of the debate has been rather pointless, because the data that was being used for the various claims was itself…

BHS As Microcosm

The failure of high street retailer, British Home Stores (BHS), after nearly a century of trading, is a microcosm of the British economy, and the issues I have been discussing in relation to it over the last decade, and more.

How QE Killed Your Pension

I recently wrote about how the idea that rising house prices made people wealthier was baloney. But, a similar idea is put forward that the cause of black holes in pension funds has been the various crashes in stock markets over the last twenty years. It is equally baloney.

Times A Wastin
Is a new publication Edited by Arthur Bough. It aims to provide an insight on current events from a Marxist perspective. The name comes from the title of a Northern Soul favourite of the editor from the early 1970’s, by The Fuller Brothers, and sums up the fact of much to do.
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