Top Stories published by Times A Wastin in June of 2023

NATO/Ukraine’s Bombing Of Moscow

Following Britain’s provision of longer-range, Stormshadow Cruise Missiles to Ukraine, and as NATO/Ukraine’s War with Russia has got bogged down into an inevitable stalemate, the use of aircraft type drones, by Ukraine, to bomb Russia, targeting a residential area, where…

More Squabbling In The Thieves Kitchen

Its hard to know the details and nuances of the rebellion by Prigozhin’s Wagner group of mercenaries, but for Marxists, it makes no difference whatsoever to the general evaluation of the NATO/Ukraine-Russia war as an inter-imperialist war that is reactionary on…

Times A Wastin
Is a new publication Edited by Arthur Bough. It aims to provide an insight on current events from a Marxist perspective. The name comes from the title of a Northern Soul favourite of the editor from the early 1970’s, by The Fuller Brothers, and sums up the fact of much to do.
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