Top Stories published by Together in Dignity in September of 2015

Finally Allowed to Live in a Shelter

By: Gligor Tashkovich (United States)

What a relief; it is finally done. It took me 10–11 months of pretty consistent effort (when I wasn’t travelling) but I finally escorted the street-homeless couple Nadine and Jeffrey in a taxi to the…

Lessons on Hope from Geneviève de Gaulle

By Magdalena Macinska (Poland)

On 27th January during the commemoration ceremony of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp in Auschwitz I had the privilege to hear the voice of the survivors. Their figures…

Together in Dignity
“Together in Dignity” brings together bloggers from four continents to reflect on a world without poverty and respectful of human rights and dignity. Inspired by the daily struggles of people living in poverty, we work to change perspectives on the world.
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