Go to Trinalysis 三帖 - 數位觀點
Trinalysis 三帖 - 數位觀點
Trio 三帖是「三人一組」的共筆部落格,三人一組的作者針對同一份報告與分析各自發表見解,企望能帶給讀者不同的視角與深度。我們關注全球各大產業包含但不限於網路、娛樂、金融、新創、Iot、科技、服務、設計、媒體乃至於文化、社會、國家、區域經濟整合、權力關係在數位工具與使用習慣的影響下,所帶來的變革與趨勢。
Note from the editor

Trio (Trinalysis) is a Tri-persons analysis blog, three different authors will focus on a same topic and share their opinions and insights, they might base on the same series of reports and discuss it in different angle and professions. We want to understand and shed some light to culture and society change, geopolitics, regional economic integration, international relations and powers in the digital era and world through the industry and trend analysis. We focus on industries including but not limited to Internet, Entertainment, Finance, Innovation, Startup, Technology, Service, Internet of Things, Service, Media and Design.

Go to the profile of Chiu Yu-Ping
Chiu Yu-Ping
從媒體訊息設計、數位科技、電子商務、社群行銷到社會科學,結合相關但不同領域的知識,以期定位出自己的獨特研究領域。每天看很多產業報告,寫很多學術研究、調查報告、產業專欄,對於創新零售、社群行銷、消費行為、大數據等議題均有極大興趣。 現為助理教授、產業分析師、專欄作家。
Go to the profile of Yang Jen Chieh
Yang Jen Chieh
勞者多能,與人為善。熱愛學習與理解世界,了解與時間為友的意義,也明白現實的理想主義才能實現。獲選TNL未來大人物及聯合報、TEDx等講者。 https://www.facebook.com/Andy.Flying
Go to the profile of Lin Hao Xiang
Lin Hao Xiang