I’ve written every day for the last 50days. (Dec 7 — Jan 26). The goal was to learn a lot about showing up every day, communication in few words and finding people who were also passionate about writing.
Why do investors refuse to fund ideas?It’s simple, nobody has and will ever change the world on paper.
Ideas are little stories in our head. Like dreams, they’re influenced by what we spend most of our day thinking about. We…
There’s nothing as old and large as industries. Humanity is problematic (Mostly) and a whole lot of young people hate them.
Every now and then, we’ll see a very exceptional person who’s read Steve Jobs by Isaac Walter, or Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance.They’ve made up their…
It’s marveling that a person could be at the right place, at the right time, with the right people and still do the wrong things.
Imagine a writer for instance;
The probability of all the events that take place for a creative solution to emerge. Think about what could happen between the moment when an idea is born and celebration of its success.
It’s a miracle. A miracle of the mind. The miracle of reality from nothing.
A few months ago, the only thing I knew about marketing was;
It’s run by a group of hackers that want you to buy everything.
When people come together to achieve a common goal, problems are the most natural things that result.
Almost immediately, egos get brushed down, opinions get ignored, there’s no room for independence here. If the team fails, everyone else does.
Most easy things have other difficult parts. The simpler one part is, the harder the other.
It’s easy for us to think we have an experimental mindset. We quickly agree validating…
Is it easier to do the dishes before or after a meal?
My mom would always insist we do them immediately after eating versus before eating. Doing the dishes immediately after eating shows discipline.
A computer is a machine that makes work easier and faster. While this definition holds true, here’s how I like to think of it
A computer is any device that makes work and play easier and faster.