Welcome to Unapologetically Real, a Medium publication

Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Unapologetically Real
Sent as a


2 min readMar 19, 2020


What a wild week!

The COVID-19 virus continues to spread like wildfire. It has caused the closing of international borders and US citizens are urged to avoid gatherings larger than ten people. Although this “social distancing” is necessary to level out the spread, it strikes at the heart of who we are as social beings and our ability to interact.

I’ve spent much of this week in my one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Austin, isolated from human contact. I think I’ll become very familiar with the walls of this space before this crisis is over.

The timing and launch of this publication with the current global pandemic are not only coincidental, they are also perfect. Unapologetically Real is about change and telling the truth. COVID-19 is forcing this change.


Because it crosses all borders and does not discriminate in terms of race, gender, political party or socioeconomic status. It has no boundaries.

Separation is an artificial human creation when the reality is that we are all the same. This latest crisis is reminding us again that we are all in this together and we are going to have to work together to get through this global pandemic.

I believe we can and we will, and that the post-COVID-19 world will be a better place.

Unapologetically Real is committed to telling the truth in a bold and raw way that connects us all. Especially in this uncertain and unstable time, we won’t shy away from telling the truth.

You will find courageous stories that takes a look at personal growth, such as Gabriela Rosales’ exploration of her triggers-

On Why Trigger Warnings Are Necessary

and my telling of my early childhood abuse-

How Being Raped as a Preschooler Affected Me and What I’m Doing About It

or Marilyn Regan’s story of working through her road rage-

We’re All Hopelessly Flawed, but We’re All Flawed Together

We will write about environmental issues, politics, and healthcare:

America has a Chance to Change Herstory

The Real Damage of COVID-19 Is Not in the Symptoms

And we will share life-changing personal stories:

How Literacy Deepened the Relationship with My Father

So thank you for joining us!

Please stay safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in the coming days and weeks.

And remember, we’re all in this together!


Editors: Kerry McAvoy & Marilyn Regan

Interested in writing for us? Check this out!



Kerry McAvoy, PhD
Unapologetically Real

Psychologist & Author of LOVE YOU MORE. Follow on Tiktok/IG for narcissistic abuse tips & advice. Email: hello@kerrymcavoyphd.com