Unibright’s 2019 recap and 2020 outlook

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5 min readDec 31, 2019

2019 has been another very exciting year for all those in the blockchain space. For us, 2019 was the year the blockchain starts to get “real”. Although mass adoption of Blockchain technology turns out to be slower than some people expected during the hype, we were able to establish Unibright as the leading provider for business integration with blockchain! We want to have a short recap and an outlook on 2020.

2019 recap

1In Q1 2019, we brought our Unibright Framework to product readiness, earlier than initially promised, and based on a very successful beta phase with not one minute of downtime! We strengthened our standing in the blockchain ecosystem by joining the European Blockchain Foundation and INATBA as a founding member!

2 In Q2 2019, we started collaborating with Universities and research Institutes and also provided workshops and public webinars, for example with the Institute for supply chain management. A major task was the public release of our C02 compensation project “Carbonara, which created worldwide feedback and attention for Unibright. Alongside, Unibright partner Zühlke Engineering locked in 1.2 mio UBT for Carbonara.

3 In Q3, we spent architectural work in integrating Facebook’s Libra technology into the Unibright Framework. Besides, we did a lot of “behind-the-scenes” work in security tokenization, mainly by giving Unibright Solution workshops with clients from the real estate sector, banks, custodian providers and potential clients. We worked on own concepts and templates for liquidity and used our great network for presenting and adjusting our ideas towards the German regulator, which puts us in a leading position for future developments around tokenization.

4 In Q4, we documented our work with several Universities and official research programs. We announced official partnerships with Digital Asset and Anyblock Analytics. The major news was the announcement on our 360° take on security tokenization, which received great feedback and also defines a major scope for Unibright for 2020.

The Unibright Token

In April 2019, we wanted to document the way we push adoption of Blockchain technology and our offerings related to that and announced a goal of 5% of UBT tokens locked inside the platform by the End of 2019.

After spending quite an amount of time (and money ;-) with our lawyers, in December 2019 we were able to announce that our consulting services bundled in unibright.solutions can now be accessed by redeeming UBT as well. 1 UBT is valued 0,14 USD for these services until further notice.

Given that news, some of the (medium and large) workshop packages we did in 2019 were accessed by redeeming UBT and locking them inside the platform. We did not charge these workshops in fiat before, as we saw the chance to give a great additional usage to UBT — especially in the times of still small overall adoption of blockchain technology.

With these tokens and tokens we locked in from our own team reserve, we were able to reach our 5% goal! The additional team tokens (of which we still own 100% and did not sell a single one of them as we are 100% convinced of the future usage and value of UBT) are used as a motivator for Unibright team members, who engage in our leading task force participation of one of the biggest blockchain alliances in the world — news about that will be published as soon at is 100% official, and not earlier.

For 2020 we will not announce any specific lock targets. It turned out that we are very good in building the ecosystem, delivering on our promises concerning our framework and giving everything to build real clients. We want to focus on our core strength rather than promising mass adoption within a certain time frame, which is not in our hands. You can take our word for we will continue our work with the Unibright Framework and all our additional services . We will always have in mind to create additional usage for UBT — heading towards UBT being the “Universal Blockchain Token”!

2020 outlook

We are maturing from an “ICO-Project” to a leading player in the enterprise blockchain space. To strengthen our appearance towards professional players, we start 2020 by clarifying our various offerings from Framework over tokenization to consulting.

Therefore, we restructure the web appearance. Unibright.io* will be the new landing page, offering all verticals of Unibright:
* will be launched January 2020

  • Unibright Framework: Everything about our ready-to-use, no-coding-needed, blockchain-agnostic integration framework (UBT mandatory). We integrate business processes into blockchain — without a single line of code.
  • Unibright Freequity: Everything about our 360° tokenization services from regulatory compliant issuance, liquidity, custody and integration. We offer services in all relevant stages of a tokenization process and integrate them into markets and system landscapes.
  • Unibright Solutions: Everything about our Enterprise grade blockchain consulting and development (payable in UBT as well). We empower businesses to transform their processes and systems with blockchain technology.
  • Unibright Thinktank: A new offering for all those that want to use our knowledge in experience in setting up own companies. We will be offering workshop packages (payable in UBT as well) and prototyping.
  • Unibright Ventures: We provide venture capital services — financing, mentoring, and research collaboration to emerging projects and start-ups to build and strengthen the ecosystem we are all relying on.

We will also offer a professional support system, including FAQ and ticketing. We will keep promoting our existing social media channels, but advice any professional, enterprise grade user to use the new support system.

We will continue to engage in government backed research and support programs, in associations and alliances besides the enterprise world, to help making the world ready for blockchain technology and a (uni)bright future!

Thank you for your interest in Unibright, for following our channels and updates, for asking questions, making introductions and spreading the word about blockchain and Unibright!

Stefan (CTO) and Marten (CEO) of Unibright

Unibright offers a unified framework, bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically into different blockchains. Unibright works with visual, usecase-related templates and also automatically integrates existing IT systems into the blockchain.

Unibright Solutions, a dedicated consulting branch to support blockchain use in business processes, was additionally launched in December 2018.

More information on Unibright: https://unibright.io
Unibright Blockchain Consulting Services:

