Go to UX Tales
UX Tales
Storie di design, esseri umani e interazioni.
Note from the editor

Pensieri, esperienze, storie di design e di relazioni tra la progettazione e le persone. Curiamo racconti di tecnologie, design, psicologia, in una pubblicazione in italiano, libera e indipendente. UX Tales nasce per dare luce, in modo chiaro e comprensibile, ai temi del design digitale e dell'esperienza utente e ai professionisti che lavorano ogni giorno per dare vita ai prodotti e ai servizi che usiamo. Vuoi pubblicare in UX Tales o collaborare in altri modi? Scrivici: info@uxtales.com

Go to the profile of Michele Zamparo
Michele Zamparo
Digital Product Designer — Founder of UX Tales
Go to the profile of Andrea Cau
Andrea Cau
Designer. Founder of Articolo Minuto. Curator at @UXtales ❋ Before Treatwell. Buddyfit, Bemind, OvalMoney.
Go to the profile of Panfilia
idee e pensieri buttati lì… qualcuno se vuole può raccoglierli.#GraphicDesigner #Illustrator #freelance
Go to the profile of Andrea Cau
Andrea Cau
Designer. Founder of Articolo Minuto. Curator at @UXtales ❋ Before Treatwell. Buddyfit, Bemind, OvalMoney.
Go to the profile of Davide Giovanni Steccanella
Go to the profile of Anna Mormile
Anna Mormile
Visual and Experience Designer at Tangible www.tangible.is
Go to the profile of Andrea Tangredi
Andrea Tangredi
Co-Founder & Head of Design @ Indigo AI — www.ndg.ai
Go to the profile of Rubens Cantuni
Rubens Cantuni
Emmy-awarded Product Designer and Emmys judge. Now @Synthesia. Author of the book http://designappsforkids.comhttp://rubens.design
Go to the profile of Al Lucca
Al Lucca
Designer— Host of Expatria.co podcast — Newsletter The Design Edition — Mentor @trydesignlab — Conteúdo (mostly) em Português
Go to the profile of Serena Giust
Serena Giust
UX Writer & Team Leader @ Booking.com
Go to the profile of Pietro Spagnolo
Pietro Spagnolo
My work blends research, strategy, interactions and storytelling to design emotionally meaningful experiences for people & products — pietrospagnolo.it
Go to the profile of Sebastiano Guerriero
Sebastiano Guerriero
Product designer. Co-founder of codyhouse.co and nucleoapp.com
Go to the profile of Frank Rapacciuolo
Frank Rapacciuolo
Sr Product Designer @Bumble
Go to the profile of Lorenzo Fabbri
Lorenzo Fabbri
Le parole sono importanti. Digital startups — Digital transformation. Executive MBA at Luiss Business School
Go to the profile of Mauro F.
Go to the profile of Carlo Frinolli
Carlo Frinolli
Head of Design @ Caffeina | Former CEO @nois3.it
Go to the profile of Vincenzo Di Maria
Go to the profile of marco tagliavacche
marco tagliavacche
Experience Designer and Information Architect
Go to the profile of Giovanni Ghirardi
Giovanni Ghirardi
Freelance UX/UI Designer | www.giovannighirardi.it
Go to the profile of Nicola Felasquez Felaco
Go to the profile of Erin Casali
Erin Casali
VP / Director of Product & Design • Board NED • Speaker • Talks about product, design, business, psychology and the hybrid connections across them
Go to the profile of Fabio Minerva
Go to the profile of Matteo Montolli
Matteo Montolli
Partner, Design Director at Moze
Go to the profile of Camilla || Adoratorio
Camilla || Adoratorio
Proud mum of 2 tiny monsters, Designer & writing fetishist || Co-Founder and Creative director @ Adoratorio Studio || FWA Jury
Go to the profile of Marco Coppeto
Marco Coppeto
Founding partner Times Two. Shaping brands through digital products, and web experiences — previously @Twitter @Ueno
Go to the profile of ile no
ile no
(aka Ilenia Notarangelo) Visionary housewife & creative director @illo http://illo.tv
Go to the profile of Mirko Santangelo
Mirko Santangelo
Creative Director & Design Engineer — Figma Community Leader, Italy
Go to the profile of Sebastiano Giuseppe Garilli
Sebastiano Giuseppe Garilli
Madly in love with simplicity in all its forms. Designer teacher at Steve Jobs Academy. CEO and founder of mono.
Go to the profile of Nicolò Volpato
Nicolò Volpato
Founder, CEO & Design Leader at tangible.design, taking good care of Purpose and People. Event organizer. Explorer. He/him.
Go to the profile of Gaia Zuccaro
Go to the profile of Maurizio De Moliner
Go to the profile of Riccardo Ghignoni
Riccardo Ghignoni
I love learning, understanding, asking, knowing, touching, and making stuff. I’m curious. Designer @nordlysdesign
Go to the profile of Attilio Raiteri
Attilio Raiteri
🖖 I lead a fantastic team of Experience Design. 📝 I write articles about UX. 🚐 I travel by camper. https://www.linkedin.com/in/attilio-raiteri/?locale=en_US
Go to the profile of Franceska Dalsaso
Franceska Dalsaso
User Experience designer @Fightbean, reader, photographer, traveler, mugs lover, list maker.
Go to the profile of Roberto Zanetti
Roberto Zanetti
Digital Strategy, Service & UX Design. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak http://robertozanetti.strikingly.com/
Go to the profile of Mattia Astorino
Mattia Astorino
UX Engineer | Frontend Designer
Go to the profile of Giulio Andreini
Giulio Andreini
Product designer at n8n (www.n8n.io), founder of Mondo (www.mondo.surf)
Go to the profile of Valentina Di Michele
Valentina Di Michele
Sono una Digital Content Strategist. Mi trovi su www.officinamicrotesti.it e www.valentinadimichele.it.
Go to the profile of Ciro Esposito
Ciro Esposito
Digital Design / Teaching — I can feel your white space www.ciroesp.it
Go to the profile of Alessandra Petromilli
Alessandra Petromilli
Her passion in UX and Psychology has lead her to work in Italy and abroad. You can often find her with a cup of tea, thinking about new UX Workshops ideas.
Go to the profile of Desiree Ciofi
Desiree Ciofi
You can call me Desy, nice to meet you! I’m a UX/UI Designer with the passion for the magical World Wide Web.
Go to the profile of Roberto Oscurato
Roberto Oscurato
Product Design @ indigo.ai
Go to the profile of Mario Inghilleri
Mario Inghilleri
UX / Interaction / UI @ AIRBAGSTUDIO.IT — Turn on, boot up, jack in.
Go to the profile of Roberta Tassi
Go to the profile of Patrizia Bertini
Patrizia Bertini
Inquisitive mind | interest: DesignOps | Innovation | Digital transformation |Co-Creation | Privacy | Experience economy | Creativity | System Thinking
Go to the profile of Nicole Nardelli
Nicole Nardelli
Product designer @ Moneyfarm