Top Stories published by virtual mosque in 2015

Muslims protest in London over cartoons

It has been reported that thousands of Muslims gathered near Downing Street to protest against cartoons which showed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s).

A leaflet issued by the Muslim Action forum (MAF), who organised the rally, said recent…

Poland rejects Muslim Refugees

The Independent is reporting;

Thousands of protesters have gathered in several Polish cities, as right-wing groups rallied against plans to resettle refugees in Europe while counter-protesters marched in solidarity with those seeking safety.

UK Mosques could be designed without minarets

John Bingham in The Telegraph:

Mosques in the UK could be designed without minarets to look like “quintessentially English” places of worship, the former Conservative Party chairman Baroness Warsi has suggested.
Lady Warsi…

Halal Makeup Is the Beauty “Trend” to Pay Attention to

Theresa Avila on;

Another label you may start finding on cosmetics these days? “Halal.”
…curiosity about halal products seems to have risen over the past few years. Online…

These were the top 10 stories published by virtual mosque in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

virtual mosque
We are the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam and this publication is dedicated to portraying the true, peaceful instructions of the final religion through our live broadcasts in the UK and regular editorials.
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