Top Stories published by virtual mosque in February of 2015

Muslims protest in London over cartoons

It has been reported that thousands of Muslims gathered near Downing Street to protest against cartoons which showed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s).

A leaflet issued by the Muslim Action forum (MAF), who organised the rally, said recent…

The Truth Triumph
The Promised Messiah said that as time goes on people will accept his interpretation of Islam, regardless of whether they accept him as the Messiah and Mehdi or not.

Guilt by Association
Should Muslims personally apologise for the random actions of other people just because they say they are Muslims? Of course not.

We have talked about this before, but now filmmaker Abdelkarim El-Fassi has taken…

The oldest city in the World

The Guardian

But it is the Middle East and the Fertile Crescent that is the most, well, fertile area for antique urbanity. Not that this makes the job of firmly planting a flag on the oldest city any easier. Cities in this region have not shouted their…

virtual mosque
We are the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam and this publication is dedicated to portraying the true, peaceful instructions of the final religion through our live broadcasts in the UK and regular editorials.
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