Top Stories published by VSM Consortium in 2022

What is a Value Stream Architect?

In our inaugural State of Value Stream Management Report, published in July 2021, 10% of respondents reported being in a role that has “value stream” in the title:

  • Value stream lead or manager (5.2%)
  • Value stream…

The Latest State of Value Stream Management Report — A Very Personal View

Writing this year’s report with Eveline Oehrlich was a surprisingly emotional experience. I found myself struggling with one of my most distinct character traits — my impatience. It’s a standing joke…

These were the top 10 stories published by VSM Consortium in 2022. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2022 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

VSM Consortium
Value Stream Management means you connect from idea to value realization, integrating your DevOps toolchain end-to-end, and gain unparalleled insights into what’s happening when your teams are delivering value outcomes to your customers.
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