No, of that I’m innocent

Robert Scoble:

I have avoided naming people who weren’t named in the press so far, but there is an acknowledgment of appreciation I want to make. In the early stages of this hitting, Jessica Guynn of USAToday called for comment, and when I mentioned that I…


Brent Simmons:

Remember today, since we may spend the rest of our lives getting back to this point.
I hope to remember tomorrow as the first of many days where the American people said “fuck you” to the new President.

The dawn of a new revolution.

Why Twitter must be saved

Ben Thompson:

The News Feed algorithm is a big reason why Facebook Squashed Twitter. Giving people what they want to see will always draw more attention than making them work for it, in rather the same way that making up news is cheaper and more profitable…
Wanderings and tranquilities
Wanderings and tranquilities
Defend our highest good is our right and duty, causing the effect of a falling stone on calm water: circles becoming increasingly large to eventually reach the shore
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