Top Stories published by We Are Mammoth in 2015

Nine Years of Being My Boss

We’ve been in business for nine years now. Back in 2006, we didn’t yet have The Great Recession. We didn’t have Kin or DoneDone. We didn’t have 25 employees working in 13 different states. It was just three of us and some animated Abraham Lincoln avatar stuff we were totally…

Finding The Leader Within

I twiddle my thumbs a lot about leadership and, admittedly, whether I’m any good at it. Holacracy plays a starring role in a recurring dream in which I absolve myself of the need to express opinions or direction of any kind in most situations. To be sure, I’ve missed plenty of…

What It Takes To Be an Owner

In the spring of 2014, I went to Owner Camp in Portland, OR. I’d describe Owner Camp as a therapeutic retreat for business owners. It’s put together by Bureau of Digital — a joint created by some folks at Happy Cog and nGen Works, and it’s three days of sharing, confessing…

#MindMatters: Peopleware

About this month’s #MindMatters spokesperson

Name: Jeremy Kratz
Team: DoneDone

Role: Front-end developer
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Favorite place to eat/chill/drink: My current favorite local spot is Little Rock’s Local Lime…

These were the top 10 stories published by We Are Mammoth in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

We Are Mammoth
We’re strategists, designers, and engineers turning transformative ideas into high-impact digital companies.
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