How Our Side Project Hit $1000 MRR

Last summer Harry and I were essentially broke. We’d spent 5 months working on Hey Press, a searchable database of startup journalists. It proved to be very popular with startups, but we had very few paying customers and a dismal monthly recurring revenue of $55.17.

September = Finding Our Vision

Since Harry and I have been working together we’ve built a lot of different products — from a bitcoin wallet to a gesture-based iOS 8 keyboard to a tool that finds your most influential upvoters on Product Hunt. It’s been a lot of fun, but we’ve been all-over-the-place. It’s…

We Did it — $1000 Per Month Reached
We Did it — $1000 Per Month Reached
Hey, we’re @edmoyse and @hyharryhuang. We create products with no investment whilst travelling the world. After a few failures, we created this blog to focus on one goal that seemed attainable — make $1000 per month. After 3 months, we did it. New goal: build a profitable company
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