Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in July of 2016

Baselines, Incentives, and a Basic Income

The generally persuasive Greg Ip writes of a universal basic income in the Wall Street Journal:

For all its superficial appeal . . . UBI . . . is a solution in search of a problem. It would consume scarce resources while ignoring…

Tax and Housing Policy

In his new book, EVICTED, Harvard sociologist Matt Desmond recounts the human cost of the frequent evictions that disrupt life in poor communities. Desmond doesn’t focus on the role of the tax code in housing policy, but his work suggests directions for further thought.

For Maine and the Nation, a Better Option on Junk Food

Maine’s governor Paul LePage is trying again to force low-income families to eat healthier. Since early last year, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services has been asking its federal partners for permission to deny…

Running Mates and Tax Returns

Tim Kaine has been hitting Donald Trump hard for failing to release his tax returns — and fairly so. From Kaine’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention last night:

[D]oes anyone here believe that Donald Trump’s been paying his fair…

WSD Welcomes Anne Alstott & Darien Shanske

Daniel and I are pleased to announce that Anne and Darien will be blogging here from time to time. We may see one or two more “tax &” folks join us here as well. Can’t wait to see what they have to say.