Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in 2016

A Marketplace of Marketplaces of Ideas

Much, much, much has been said about Wednesday’s welcome letter from the University of Chicago dean of students to incoming first-years regarding campus speech, with a focus on the following paragraph:

Our commitment to academic freedom…

Trump’s Fictitious Fiduciary Duties

The New York Times reports that Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns — a loss that he presumably could have carried forward for several years (or even decades) to erase future taxes. The Trump campaign issued the following…

Till Death Do Us Part? Family Cemeteries and Section 501(c)(13)

The New York Times has a fascinating story this morning about family cemeteries, focusing on the descendants of Standard Oil Trust co-founder Charles Pratt. According to the Times:

President Trump vs. the Bureaucratic State

Federal Agencies Can Check and Balance Too

The betting website PredictIt now puts the odds of Donald Trump winning the White House this November at 22%. I don’t think that estimate is too far off: Trump…

A Destination-Based Cash Flow Tax in a Digital Age (or, How To Game the House Republicans’ Plan)

The House Republicans’ plan for a “destination-based cash flow tax” is generating lots, lots, lots of attention. The basic premise is as follows: A 20% tax would…

Is Social Security Tilted Toward the Rich?

A fascinating column in the New York Times Sunday Business section claims that the growing life span gap between the rich and the poor is undermining the Social Security system’s redistributive design. Neil Irwin writes:

These were the top 10 stories published by Whatever Source Derived in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.