Top Stories published by Whatever Source Derived in December of 2016

Till Death Do Us Part? Family Cemeteries and Section 501(c)(13)

The New York Times has a fascinating story this morning about family cemeteries, focusing on the descendants of Standard Oil Trust co-founder Charles Pratt. According to the Times:

A Destination-Based Cash Flow Tax in a Digital Age (or, How To Game the House Republicans’ Plan)

The House Republicans’ plan for a “destination-based cash flow tax” is generating lots, lots, lots of attention. The basic premise is as follows: A 20% tax would…

No, Guaranteed Issue and Community Rating Do Not Depend on an Individual Mandate

Economist Robert Frank writes in this morning’s New York Times:

Republicans have promised to replace Obamacare with something better. Everyone, Mr. Trump included…

A Privatized Mandate?

Via David Leonhardt, Nick Bagley appears to suggest that Congress could repeal the individual responsibility payment (aka, “the mandate”) in the affordable care act without collapsing the act. The problem, again, is adverse selection: if insurers must cover you (“guaranteed issue”), and…

Complex Conflicts of Interest & the Problem of the HNW Cabinet

It’s been reported that the incoming cabinet, if confirmed, would be the wealthiest ever. I haven’t checked the math on that one; Andrew Mellon was one of the three or four richest Americans in 1921 when he joined the…