Top Stories published by Worldly Positions in 2018

Bay Area: vibes

Paul Graham says that cities send subtle messages about what your ambitions should be — different ones tell you to be richer, or be smarter, or to live better. I have lately been feeling like the same is true of people, and groups of people, and TV shows, and songs, and workplaces, and Twitter, and…

Oxford: musical signaling

Apparently music is no longer a big deal culturally. Perhaps related to how being a person who listens to punk music no longer says much about you. Every man and his dog, and his dog’s dog, happily listens to punk music. And rap, and opera, and synthetic orchestral beebop fusion. I…

These were the top 10 stories published by Worldly Positions in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.