Top Stories published by Worldly Positions in May of 2018

Oxford: musical signaling

Apparently music is no longer a big deal culturally. Perhaps related to how being a person who listens to punk music no longer says much about you. Every man and his dog, and his dog’s dog, happily listens to punk music. And rap, and opera, and synthetic orchestral beebop fusion. I…

The hanging out regression

The hanging out cycle is actually better than its predecessor, and occasional complement:

Step 1: I like Alice.

Step 2: Alice asks to hang out. Inference: Alice is nice!

Twin blog

This might be the same as a Tumblr blog of the same name. Except that the other one has many earlier posts that are not here, because I can’t figure out how to import them efficiently.

If you like this blog, but wish it was more about potentially novel ideas regarding matters of ongoing importance, you might like Meteuphoric.