Go to Write and Review
Write and Review
To request a book review, sign up for a free account on Medium and follow this publication. Send an email with the title of the work you want reviewed to walterrhein@gmail.com. I am also accepting writers and editors.
Note from the editor

Send an email with the title of the work you want reviewed to walterrhein@gmail.com. I am also accepting writers and editors.

Go to the profile of Walter Rhein
Walter Rhein
I have 10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.
Go to the profile of Alison Acheson
Alison Acheson
My latest book is a memoir, Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS. My newsletter is on Substack: THE UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS.
Go to the profile of G.P. Gottlieb
G.P. Gottlieb
Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series (gpgottlieb.com). Also editor, Write and Review
Go to the profile of Dan Woll
Dan Woll
Author: Death on Cache Lake, North of Highway 8, Further, Paperclip.
Go to the profile of Wendi M. Lindenmuth
Wendi M. Lindenmuth
I am an author and Energy Medicine Specialist helping people with Lyme Disease and chronic pain find their purpose again. https://writerspayitforwar
Go to the profile of Seth Lindberg
Go to the profile of Sean
Go to the profile of Travis Ludvigson
Travis Ludvigson
A writer of supernatural fiction and historical fantasy. Published with Warrior Poet Publications, Perseid Press, and Celenic Earth Publications.
Go to the profile of Simi Press
Simi Press
www.simipress.com — A small press publishing books, translations, news stories, fiction, reviews, and more.
Go to the profile of Nicolenadeau
Go to the profile of Max Lewy
Max Lewy
A mad-eyed philosopher letting loose exquisitely choreographed “howls” (see Ginsberg) against the crazed ‘sanity’ that attempts to subdue & destroy human spirit
Go to the profile of Rebekah Morris
Rebekah Morris
Writer, Editor, Freelancer, Creative, Head Volleyball Coach. Once a cat person, now a dog and cat person. Find me at rebekah-morris.com
Go to the profile of Heather Lee
Heather Lee
Just a writer trying to make her mark on the world.
Go to the profile of Sonia Frontera
Sonia Frontera
Sonia is an attorney, empowerment trainer and author of Relationship Solutions: Effective Strategies to Heal Your Heart and Create the Happiness You Deserve.
Go to the profile of Sosomweendo
Professional Life Coach, Online Entrepreneur, Content Creator, mother, wife, and a student of the School of LIFE. Passionate about Change and Self Improvement.
Go to the profile of Alison Acheson
Alison Acheson
My latest book is a memoir, Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS. My newsletter is on Substack: THE UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS.
Go to the profile of Dr. Tesmo
Dr. Tesmo
Introvert | Medico | Chess enthusiast | Blogger | that's about it | MBBS |
Go to the profile of Delectable Peru by Ericka La Madrid
Go to the profile of Isi Idemudia PhD
Isi Idemudia PhD
Cloud Solutions Architect at Accenture
Go to the profile of Violet Daniels
Violet Daniels
Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/
Go to the profile of Tasha McKnight
Tasha McKnight
Back to write stories about life, love, and theater with a splash of humor
Go to the profile of Qaasid
I am a youtuber and blogger. I write about my fitness journey, health and diet topics, movies, books, music, food, and more. https://www.youtube.com/qaasid
Go to the profile of Embracing Discomfort.
Go to the profile of Quiet Cacophony
Quiet Cacophony
A lot of noise in a quiet mind.
Go to the profile of A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Poet, Author, Editor, Blogger, Freelance Writer & Book Reviewer @ arusticmind.com/
Go to the profile of R.A. McCandless
R.A. McCandless
Award-winning author of steampunk and urban fantasy.
Go to the profile of Nancy Jorgensen
Nancy Jorgensen
Writing, music, health, Olympics. "Gwen Jorgensen: USA's First Olympic Gold Medal Triathlete" amzn.to/3D4G5cI
Go to the profile of Bhavana Gesota
Go to the profile of Sasha
Lover of books and tech! One of your favorite wing connoisseurs! Let's travel!
Go to the profile of E. S. Nuo
E. S. Nuo
book reviews
Go to the profile of Asfa Najam
Asfa Najam
Liberal arts student.
Go to the profile of Opening Gambit
Go to the profile of Lori Lamothe
Lori Lamothe
Author of 4 poetry books. Cold cases. Fiction. Book reviews.
Go to the profile of Ryan Frawley
Ryan Frawley
Novelist. Essayist. Former entomologist. Now a full-time writer exploring travel, art, philosophy, psychology, and science. www.ryanfrawley.com
Go to the profile of Youssef Mohamed
Youssef Mohamed
I am a Doctor interested in writing in general and sharing what I find and learn every day with the people around me, hopefully helping others.
Go to the profile of Amber Fraley
Amber Fraley
Writing about abortion rights, mental illness, trauma, narcissistic abuse & survival, politics. Journalist, novelist, wife, mom, Kansan, repro rights activist.
Go to the profile of PlainTalkBadManners
Ex-Doctor, Ex-Catholic, Ex-Muslim. Climate Worrier & Wannabe Climate Warrior. Novelist. Human. Label resistant. https://thefriendlyradicalnextdoor.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Arup Purkayastha
Arup Purkayastha
A robust humanist. A Daydreamer. A Bibliophile. Curious about everything and anything. Hope to be a Blogger in my 40s. No feather to the crown. Love Writing.
Go to the profile of Anthony David Vernon
Anthony David Vernon
*insert bio that lists things I have done but not in a way that is too stiff because I want to come off cool*
Go to the profile of G.P. Gottlieb
G.P. Gottlieb
Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series (gpgottlieb.com). Also editor, Write and Review
Go to the profile of Ben Human
Ben Human
Prose like poetry, poems like songs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XZXLM7H
Go to the profile of J. M. Paden
J. M. Paden
Personal essays to scratch your commiseration itch. Poetry book preorders happening now! https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/premonition-by-j-m-paden/
Go to the profile of Jerren Gan
Jerren Gan
Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.
Go to the profile of Niall Stewart
Niall Stewart
Author of THE BEAUTIFUL ANATOMY OF DESPAIR | CopyEditor | author@niallstewart.co.uk | niallstewart.co.uk
Go to the profile of The Bookish Reviewer
The Bookish Reviewer
a book reviewer, and sometimes write list articles,
Go to the profile of Carin M. LaCount, O.D.
Carin M. LaCount, O.D.
Published author on Self-Love who writes as a means to find her Zen and expand it to others.
Go to the profile of Carrie
Introvert who enjoys reading interesting stories or tutorials, and is forever saving more stories instead of finishing them.
Go to the profile of Tiffany T.
Tiffany T.
Entertainment (books and movies) and Travel Writer. California. https://thisblisslife.com/
Go to the profile of Joel R. Dennstedt
Joel R. Dennstedt
Book Author, Editor, Poet, World Traveler www.joelrdennstedt.com
Go to the profile of Veronica Wren - Trauma Sucks. Recovery Shouldn't.
Veronica Wren - Trauma Sucks. Recovery Shouldn't.
Trauma sucks. Recovery shouldn't. Subscribe here for your FREE exclusive guided journal ❤️‍🩹 bio.link/veronicawren ❤️‍🩹 Domestic Abuse & CPTSD Recovery Coach
Go to the profile of Mukti Masih
Mukti Masih
Among India’s Top 10 Content Writers |Christ-follower | Chai-fanatic | Desi | Central Perker | Thought Catalog | Thrive Global | Blog at https://muktimasih.com/
Go to the profile of B Ferek
Go to the profile of Holly Pettit
Holly Pettit
New Hampshire-based M.Div. in Contemplative Practice. Writer for nonprofits, clergy & dot govs. Former Russian Linguist for the U.S. Army.
Go to the profile of Meltem Birogul
Meltem Birogul
Digital marketer and life long student aka academic (to-be). Consumer behaviour, marketing and books or whatever I like. Rome.
Go to the profile of Victoria Kjos
Victoria Kjos
"HI" writer. Sentimental Humanitarian. Lifelong Seeker. Vagabond. Certified Yoga and Medical Qigong Teacher for 30 years.
Go to the profile of Rin en Route
Rin en Route
I’m a bookworm turned traveler, determined to live a life worthy of a character in my books! I run a travel and literature blog, rinenroute.com
Go to the profile of William Spivey
William Spivey
I write about politics, history, education, and race. Follow me at williamfspivey.com and support me at https://ko-fi.com/williamfspivey0680
Go to the profile of Nicole Kay
Nicole Kay
Mother and wife sharing her parenting and writing journey.
Go to the profile of Mary Good Books
Go to the profile of Abha S.
Abha S.
A writer. A poet. A haiku enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Wilmal Stewart
Wilmal Stewart
Creative Writer & Journalism News Writer ; She/Her; Writing short stories; Spreading local news in an efficient and informative way!
Go to the profile of Writing is Life
Writing is Life
I have Doctorate degree in International Politics. I write on everything that amaze and inspire me.
Go to the profile of Naina Edwin
Naina Edwin
Author . Student .
Go to the profile of Tāriq Malik
Tāriq Malik
Tāriq Malik, an easily distracted mudskipper, expresses his passions thru art/photography/poetry/writing to distill immersive, compelling & original narratives.
Go to the profile of Joy Taiwo
Joy Taiwo
Highly Sensitive Person (Introvert). Certified in Psychological First-Aid
Go to the profile of Sam Letterwood
Sam Letterwood
Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner
Go to the profile of Penpont Writer
Penpont Writer
Writer of Medical/Nursing fiction novels - worked as an NHS Nurse 24yrs. Currently writing a Memoir Trilogy. Assistant Editor of Cornish Magazine Tre Pol Pen.
Go to the profile of Yusuf Ali
Yusuf Ali
Graphics | Data | Languages | Movies | Books | Poems | Fiction
Go to the profile of Hichem Somai
Hichem Somai
Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship
Go to the profile of KmMolloy
Go to the profile of Hayley Conlon Mills
Hayley Conlon Mills
I love film, horror and niche interesting topics!
Go to the profile of John Henry Patton
John Henry Patton
English Language and Literature teacher with an honours degree and a passion for writing! Native of Glasgow, Scotland but now lives in Valencia, Spain.
Go to the profile of Kenton Stevens
Kenton Stevens
Writer, Mental Health
Go to the profile of Linda Caroll
Linda Caroll
Everything is storytelling. https://lindac.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Heidi Suydam
Heidi Suydam
Founder of #thesosblog | Content Writer | Graduate Student
Go to the profile of Marcus Dredge
Marcus Dredge
Marcus is specifically interested in issues of suffering, speciesism, literature, overpopulation, antinatalism etc. He presents The Species Barrier podcast.
Go to the profile of Kayla Writes
Kayla Writes
writer, journalist, editor of The CrowdedRoom and Creative Roots magazine
Go to the profile of Jeanne
Contemplations on books, movies and adulting | jeannemariequinanola4@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Luca Storm
Luca Storm
I'm a Dog Rescuer, Traveler, Fiction Author & Friend of MEDIUM.
Go to the profile of Bob Jasper
Bob Jasper
My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.
Go to the profile of Bill Evans
Bill Evans
A practicing writer and architect, he is now engaged full time writing a perennial novel and walking his husky several times a day.
Go to the profile of Jamie Tukpah
Jamie Tukpah
So many books, so little time. Someone needs to invent something to transfer all my stories directly from my brain to my word docs so I have more time to read.
Go to the profile of Emily
prof, writer, hockey fan, cat owner.
Go to the profile of Luis Lujano-Garcia
Luis Lujano-Garcia
Journalist, Photographer, Sportsfan, Reader, Writer. https://linktr.ee/luis_lujano_garcia
Go to the profile of Shoshana Kaufman
Shoshana Kaufman
Mother, grandmother, teacher, wife, food lover, spiritual searcher.
Go to the profile of Kristin DeMarr
Kristin DeMarr
Single mom of 4 kids with exceptional needs. Trying to write and keep my shit together. Click to help support me! https://kristindemarr.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Poetry & politics. Free Palestine 🇵🇸. Caucasus & Iran. Writer, Educator, Translator & Editor. rrgould.hcommons.org https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/rebecca-gould
Go to the profile of Joy DeSomber
Joy DeSomber
Single mom of three. Veteran. Cop. I write a variety, including humor, gratitude, trauma, travel, and more, always reinventing myself.
Go to the profile of Meredith Cummings
Meredith Cummings
Muppety. Freelance journalist, Teaching Assistant Journalism Professor at Lehigh University, Essayist, Book reviewer
Go to the profile of John Egelkrout
John Egelkrout
I am a sanity-curious former teacher who works a small organic farm with my wife. I write about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.
Go to the profile of The Black Yogini
The Black Yogini
Exploring the meaning of emotion regulation every day.
Go to the profile of Kristina God, MBA
Kristina God, MBA
Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Venus Lee
Venus Lee
3x boosted, sustainability in HK, part-time science journalist passionate in climate related issues, Imperial Chem Grad.
Go to the profile of Flaminia D.
Flaminia D.
I live, read and write - not necessarily in that order 🖋️
Go to the profile of Dr. Jason Benskin
Dr. Jason Benskin
Writer, Author, PhD.
Go to the profile of Scott Whitney
Go to the profile of Evan Miller
Evan Miller
I am a Girl-Dad, Husband, High School English Teacher, Published Author, & musician. I write the Windows & Mirrors newsletter on Substack.
Go to the profile of Anastasia Soho
Anastasia Soho
Art lover and adventurer living in Kyiv, Ukraine 💫 Insider view from Ukraine, stories on daily life, finding balance, writing, books, film, traveling and more