You Will Never Unlock the Writing Roadmap on Day One

Take one day at a time

Writer's Dream
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readJul 15, 2024


A long road without the destination in view
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

You will never have a complete vision of your journey in the beginning.

A few intimidating feelings will always accompany you.

  • Not knowing what you are doing
  • Unable to understand where you are going
  • The feeling of hopelessness and directionless

That’s okay.

What you have to do is focus on the present moment.

  • What makes you feel good?
  • What is easy to implement?
  • What resonates with the audience?

Do not plan for the next month or the next six months. Focus on a maximum of 2 weeks ahead.

Start the journey, and it will guide you along the way. How do I know? I started writing two years ago and never knew where it would lead me. But I continued to write every day.

Why do I continue to write?

It has become my friend.

I don’t know where it will take me, but here is the short story of my writing journey that I never planned.

I started a blog about four years ago

I built it enthusiastically, but it went inactive as there was no traffic, and I got demotivated. However, I did not delete the content from that website.

I don’t remember what triggered me to build a website.

Maybe out of fun, I wanted to explore its possibilities.

Tip: Fun is the magic ingredient of a happy brain and heart.

I started upskilling myself on writing techniques

It was a byproduct of avoiding loneliness and lets-see-what-happens-next fun.

During my childhood, I never had any inclination towards writing.

I remember I loved painting, but nowhere was writing in my hobby list.

I never even loved reading books.

So, writing came to my mind when I had nothing or nobody to accompany me while I started living in a new city.

I started writing to avoid a few things.

  • Overthinking
  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness
  • Boredom

There was no objective to become a writer on my list.

However, as I started writing more, I became engaged in writing.

I became intrinsically motivated to write better, so I started focusing on a few writing techniques.

  • Catchy headline
  • Opening sentence
  • Storytelling
  • SEO techniques

I feel excited to learn about these topics and share them with the other beginner writers so they don’t have to spend extra hours on this.

I started a weekly newsletter

A few months ago, I launched my free newsletter, where I mainly talk about writing techniques and simple lifestyle tips.

When I started the newsletter, I did not know the possibility of monetizing the newsletter.

While exploring the newsletter topic, I figured out a few techniques to generate revenue through the newsletter.

Here is a mini crash course to help you.

I started loving lifestyle content

I have been reading Danish lifestyle books. Initially, I targeted to start earning quickly through writing, but I realized I would be happier as a slow writer. I love the lifestyle concepts written in those books.

Here are a few books that give me emotional comfort.

I wanted to combine these lifestyle techniques into writing so I do not feel burned out.

The universe has taught me one important lesson.

Overdoing anything takes away the charm and enthusiasm of doing it. (Even if it’s the most favorite task for you).

So, I wanted to create two separate types of writing content.

  1. Online writing techniques
  2. Simple lifestyle tips

I wanted to have my online content repository with these topics.

It led me to redesign my four-year-old abandoned website, which I built so lovingly.

I re-designed my website

Last weekend, I worked hard to recreate my existing website, where I have content on these two topics.

Below is the link if you want to check it out.

My next logical step would be to find ways of monetizing a personal blog.

I narrated my story to explain how you will never find the writing trajectory during your initial years. Four years ago, when I built my website out of fun, I never knew I would be interested in writing daily. I never knew about writing techniques and newsletters. I learned these lessons along the journey.

I don’t know where the daily writing habit will take me. However, I still love to write daily.


Here, is a short recap of the above content.

  • Start with a task that interests you
  • Focus on the present moment instead of planning for a year. You can plan for two weeks.
  • Trust that you will not know everything now

The best way is to listen to your heart and trust the process.

Do you want to start a daily writing habit even if you have not written before?

I have created an ebook to help in your initial writing journey. Click here for the book.

