Archive of stories published by Zappos Engineering

Lambda Architecture in AWS

Lambda architecture is a design to keep in mind while designing big data platforms. To understand what lambda architecture provides, it is important to understand what is expected of a big data application platform. You can find a multitude of articles online that will give you…

Dynamically Adding Lines to a Plotly Plot in R

Since Plotly made their interactive graphing platform available for R, I’ve been trying to incorporate it into more of my projects. Recently I was working on a graph that included the price of a particular stock as well as multiple moving averages…

Java 8 vs Scala — Part III Trust no one, bench everything

This is part 3 of the article. Check out Part 1 and Part 2.

From Part 2, you’ve seen that the Scala approach is generally shorter than the Java approach when you want to manipulate either collections or…

Java 8 vs Scala — Part II Streams API

This is part 2 of the article. If you want to start from 1, you can click here.

Stream vs. Collection?
Let’s start with a short and incomplete description by me :), a collection is a finite set of data while a stream is a sequenced set of…

These were the top 10 stories published by Zappos Engineering; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016.