Top Stories published by Zappos Engineering in 2016

Lambda Architecture in AWS

Lambda architecture is a design to keep in mind while designing big data platforms. To understand what lambda architecture provides, it is important to understand what is expected of a big data application platform. You can find a multitude of articles online that will give you…

Dynamically Adding Lines to a Plotly Plot in R

Since Plotly made their interactive graphing platform available for R, I’ve been trying to incorporate it into more of my projects. Recently I was working on a graph that included the price of a particular stock as well as multiple moving averages…

Elastic Beanstalk vs APIG part 2: HTTP vs HTTPS

In part 1 of this showdown, I discussed how we, at Zappos, replicated a key website service to different AWS regions for performance purposes. In this part, I’ll be discussing how and why we decided to not use AWS API Gateway (APIG) and instead opted to use our own Node.js…