The Way You Wear Your Hat

So the Sinatra guys just kicked out v0.9. Classy and well-dressed, as always. If you haven’t played around with Sinatra before, you should really give it a look. It’s often everything I need for building lightweight micro-apps. Very easy to learn and use, too.

Stomp in the Android Market

My pal and “prolific prototyper” Nick Tommarello just released his latest project into the wild… is a social adventure and travel guide that aims to make it easier for you to find fun things to do while at home or on the go. Stomp debuted at the Launch conference run by…

Why Namespaces Are Important

Apparently both Extlib and the Mash library, which the latest version of the Twitter gem relies on, both define Mash as a top-level class. This is lame.

It means that if you’re building an app that uses the Twitter gem to poll their API, you can’t use…

Notes from MIT Startup Bootcamp

Yesterday (October 12th) I attended MIT’s Startup Bootcamp. As someone who is seriously thinking about taking some time off from his consulting lifestyle to work on bootstrapping a product, it was definitely a worthwhile event for me, and I’m glad I took good notes. I…

Resque Mailer v1.0.0 (with Rails 3 Support)

I just released a new version of Resque Mailer (1.0.0), my asynchronous email delivery extension for Resque gem src. If you’re already using it with Rails 2.x, there really aren’t any changes you need to be aware of. Go about your business. However…

Resque Mailer

We’ve been making heavy use of Chris Wanstrath’s Resque library in my latest project. Resque is a Redis-based background job system that Chris built for GitHub. It’s easy to use, especially if you’re already leveraging Redis in other parts of your infrastructure, and also has a nice Sinatra front-end…

Better AWS Access Control with IAM (and Fog)

Amazon are the undisputed kings of the developer plumbing revolution. EC2 and S3 are so ubiquitious to deploying web applications that sometimes it seems difficult to remember when we had to self-host so much of this stuff. But sometimes managing my…

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evolution through a series of accidents
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