Top Stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in 2016

Don’t Sell Your Data

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Software was so hard two decades ago that making simple workflow apps put you far ahead of other companies. That’s why Microsoft had a business worth $879 billion[1] in December 1999. Today, such apps are much easier to make with a…

Computing Like A Human

Approximate Computing

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Until recently, the goal of computing was to be the fastest. We increased the speed of compute by squeezing out more operations per second. This charge to maximize…

New Opportunities for Hardware Acceleration in Data Analytics

In a previous post, we introduced hardware acceleration and types of hardware platforms, and reviewed a few commercial applications of hardware platforms. This article advocates an end–to–end hardware platform for

Beyond Systems of Record

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Many years ago, only technical people could enter data into a database. The software era of the 90s allowed anyone to work with databases through Microsoft Access. After that came cloud-based applications that had everyone…

Stages of Funding in the Intelligence Era

This is a supplement to the article Growing up in the Intelligence Era

Cloud Computing reduced infrastructure costs so much that companies could build a minimum viable product (MVP) on angel money. However, companies then needed…

These were the top 10 stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Zetta Venture Partners
Zetta invests in intelligent enterprise software. We partner with companies building software that learns from data to analyze, predict and prescribe outcomes.
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