Top Stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in 2017

The Intelligent Enterprise Stack

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The shift to the Intelligence Era will affect every industry and line of business. Everything — from databases to apps to visualization — is changing as we move from systems of record to systems of intelligence…

AI adoption is limited by incurred risk, not potential benefit

This article originally appeared in Venturebeat.

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It’s tempting to think that adoption of AI is limited by the technology itself. Headlines…

Product Payoffs in Machine Learning

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Uber’s cars are crashing, Microsoft’s bots abusing people on twitter and US judges sentencing people using biased algorithms. We’re using machine learning in important situations but machine learning doesn’t…

Questions to Ask About Pricing

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We get interested in companies when customers start getting interested in their nascent product. Pricing is often the first question asked when we start working with companies to get that product to market.

Data rights are the new IP rights

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Data rights are the new IP rights in the Intelligence Era

As more sophisticated resources for developers become widely available, copycat products can now be launched in a matter of hours…

There are more data scientists than you think

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Data scientists and machine learning (ML) engineers are increasingly in demand, and companies of all sizes are paying top dollar for experienced candidates. The supply of data scientists and ML…


Kaggle and Google Cloud just announced that they’re joining forces. This is a fantastic outcome for the Kaggle community, Google and the Kaggle team. The Kaggle platform will be stronger than ever with Google’s resources behind it, Google gains a significant advantage over other cloud platforms in machine learning…

These were the top 10 stories published by Zetta Venture Partners in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Zetta Venture Partners
Zetta invests in intelligent enterprise software. We partner with companies building software that learns from data to analyze, predict and prescribe outcomes.
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