37. How to calm a turbulent mind

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readJun 7, 2016

There are days when your mind feels restless.

Left to its own devices, it can torture you and make you feel like you have control over your life.

These don’t work for everyone, but this is what I do:

  • play sport: my sport of choice is badminton. Fast paced, relies on reaction and quick thinking, I bend my mind to my will instead of letting it take over.
  • meta-cognition: thinking about thinking. Imagine yourself standing in the corner of the room, looking at yourself as your mind takes over. What do you see? Just you, maybe with a faraway, slightly tortured look on your face.

It’s all in your head

Realizing this immediately helps me regain control and realize I am the master of my own feelings. Always have been, always will.

What works for you?



