“Adventures of a Lifetime” Chapter 9 -The Real Reason-

Elewin and the others converse as they travel the long road ahead

Naomi K.


Chapter 9

The Real Reason

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Elewin and the others started their morning off traveling down the very old dusty dirt road, spotting a few old oak trees of some enormous size after only a few hours of traveling, standing some two hundred or even three hundred feet tall, and spanning the ground nearly ten feet wide. Elewin looked to the others who for the most part have been fairly silent through the entire morning even after such a large unknown undead storm giant attacked them.

“Perhaps you all are in need of a short rest?” Elewin states to the others with a simple flick of her hair as she turned back to look at the others.

“If you are in need of rest Priestess, I know you could use it to rest your old bones!” Randell Rattled off as usual, almost being insulting and respectful all at the same time. It was just the expected tone of Randell the others had expected from him.

David propped up to the silence being interrupted by Elewin and Randell speaking, joining in on the conversation. “I do believe that the horses could use a rest, they do seem to still be exhausted a bit or slightly startled from last night's encounter. Which I do believe we should talk about during our break if others will.”

Elewin nods to David and of course to Randell's smart remarks. Guiding her horse over to the largest of the Oak trees that seem to have under it massive branches a nice open flush green grass section big enough to set up a full camp with cute little pink roses growing about around the nearly perfect circular opening under the tree. “I believe this will be a nice little stop for now, we will make a short camp for about an hour and then proceed further if everyone is okay with that?”

“I…don..nt mine” Gabul calls out in his deep voice, studdering his words as usual. “Horse need whater!” Taking his horse over to the nearest of the branches within this section and tying off his horse to the branch and what looks like a big bulky knot. Pulling out his waterskin and providing the horse with water by allowing his horse to drink straight from his waterskin as he tilted it. “Puun Puun Likes whater!”

David laughs a little as Gabul calls out the name of Gabul's horse -Puun Puun-. “A hysterical name for such a big man, but I guess one of the little words would choose a simple name.” At least that was the thought that was running across his mind at that very second.

After a few minutes of everyone coming to a stop, everyone took the time to tend to their horses and make sure they were able to make the journey that was so far ahead. Ensuring that their horses were in good shape, and they were, they then begin to sit near each other and prep some general lunch of some basic rations they had in their bags. A few sticks of beef jerky and some dried bread rolls. Nothing that was too impressive, only the average common food a person would have on an adventure of this magnitude. Each person sitting about maybe two feet from the other except for Gabul who needed a little more space due to his massive size.

Elewin started up the conversation after everyone had taken their first bite or so. “We need to talk about this unusual undead Storm Giant that attacked us last night? It came in and attacked us without any regard to who we are, and so close to the city. Is there something else going on about this journey that you should fill me in on David?”

David looked up with a bit of a shocked look on his face after just stuffing it with a large dried bread travel roll, speaking but all that came out were muffled bread crumbs sounds from a filled mouth. Swallowing the bread in like a big gulp, hearing the food run down his throat rather quickly. “Well….Priestess Elewin, there is a little more going on, or a lot more if you really want to know.”

“David… Of course, I do, if there is dire danger coming don’t you think we all deserve to hear about what could be coming!” Elewin made her statement firm and clear for her old crackling voice.

“Oh great, someone on another journey in disguise, lying to the people who are to protect them. David!, tell us, tell us now because I am not going to go into something blindly with you lying to us the whole way.” Randell interjected into the conversation before David could speak.

“You remember the Black and Green Robed people that attacked me back when I had discovered the vial of youth from the fountain?” David begins to pause for a second.

“Yes, continue!” Elewin replied waiting for the rest of the story.

“The Black and Green Robed men were part of a group called the --Snake Corpses--, their emblem you might have seen briefly over the years of a black Snake rising up from the ground like a cobra snake tuned to the sound of music dripping green blood from the eyes as it stares in your direction. This group has gained some major influence in the south hiding amongst the mountains.” David stopped taking a sip off his waterskin, not like he really needed the fluids, but to wet his lips. “However, originally I had signed up with a contract with them to find a vial of unknown abilities, suppose to be able to bring the dead back to life. During this time my old age was crippling but it was only supposed to be an investigation and I couldn’t sit still so it lead me to the guy who had the only vial of youth left. I believe that this vial might also have the ability to bring someone back from the dead no matter how long they have been dead.” As he looked over the group to see if they were following along.

Elewin was deeply involved in the story and paying very close attention; Randell, on the other hand, was listening to David, but clearly visible that the longer the story got the more he seemed to care less. Gabul on the other hand was already snoring away with a piece of beef jerky hanging out of his mouth, completely at a loss of what the story was about even though they were only on a short rest at this large Oak tree.

“I don’t know the exact situation involved with the Snake Corpse’s reason for getting the vial, but they believe that I or we know where this fountain of youth is and that perhaps it could bring back a long-lost ancient evil. Exactly what it is that they are trying to bring back has still alluded to me. However, I have to say that the Snake Corpses group, or cult as some would call them is likely the reason the strange bazaar undead Storm Giant attacked us. It was likely some type of attack against us to test us. I do know they deal with the undead on a very high level. It might be best if we keep ourselves well aware of the dangers ahead. They likely want this little piece of map that I have left to the suspected location of the fountain of youth.” David finally coming to an end. “And that Priestess Elewin is everything so far.”

“I see, so you have managed to bring me on an adventure to the fountain of youth followed by a cult called the Snake Corpses that is out to get your map that you were supposed to return to them even if it is the death of us.” Elewin looks over the group with a small simmering smile as she sees Gabul knocked out cold with beef jerky hanging out of his mouth and his hand on his lower extremities resting there. “Typical men,” She thought before continuing the conversation with David. “Does that about sum things up?”

“Well, yes… Yes, it does! However, I have to say I thought it best that the -Cult- not get their hands on something like this, there no telling who they are trying to bring back from the dead.” David paused hard on the word “Cult” as if he was questioning if they were one or just a band of evil-doers.

Randell at this time kinda annoyed that he was brought here after all this and that the story is just now unfolding into what it really is. Looking to Elewin first with a lifting of his left eyebrow almost as if intrigued but thinking, shifting his body weight towards Elewin and Randell during the conversation. “Well if there is a great reward at the end, you will have my staff at your side. Hopefully, you will remember your team before failing to mention this at the start next time!” Stating that without an expected response. “After all, I don’t see any of you getting far without some aid of a powerful magus such as myself.” Kicking Gabul with his foot to wake his large bulky sleeping slumber pants up. “Get your stuff together you ba-foon it's time to go.”

Gabul awakes with a sudden ready-to-kill face, reaching for his weapon only to realize that it was the nerdy caster guy who kicked him, losing his poor beef jerky to the ground. “Oh…Go…I pack now” Getting up and starts to get ready to pack, realizing that he had almost forgotten his jerky on the ground covered in dirt, picking the jerky up from the ground and rubbing it off on his pants only to bite into it a second later. “Food goods” Heading back to untie the lengthy knot of the reins of his horse.

Randell says to David and Elewin with a joking comical approach. “That one really has all the brains.” He gave off a laugh, only to quickly realize he was the only one laughing.

Elewin quickly brings the subject back on hand. “I do believe you are being more forthcoming now, however, Randell is right we really should be going, we do have a much longer road ahead of us. We may have the ability to push on through the night some and take a later evening rest. I don’t want to have any more surprises from this point forward.” Clearly, Elewin was ready to get moving and stood from her spot and headed to her horse.

“Hey, do you really think we can trust David, he didn’t even tell you the truth at first, and then there is that Randell guy, I have my doubts about him. Oh, and of course you meat grinder wall Gabul, you think he will be of any use?” The hidden voice in Elewin's head rang loud this time as her robe Osan Spoke telepathically directly to Elewin.

“Clearly there is a lot to think about Osan, I believe our best course of action is to take our time and keep our guard up,” Elewin responded mentally back to Osan her intelligent magical robe which has its own personality.

The rest of the group gathered their things and made sure they had everything set up and fully ready to go. Knowing full well that they would be traveling not for a few hours but a full day or more in one long push. It was about to be a very long journey, and maybe even gain some ground into the mountain ranges. It wasn’t but a few minutes that had passed and they all were on their way, thankfully Elewin had little to no trouble mounting the horse this time.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9



Naomi K.

Writing all types of articles on relationship, love and creating fantasy based books.