Fantasy Story

“Adventures of a Lifetime” Chapter 2 -Unexpected Conversation-

Unexpected Conversation between David and Elewin.

Naomi K.


Chapter 2

Unexpected Conversation

Elewin didn’t know what to do at this point in time, the person that she was expecting was not David, it was supposed to be someone else completely. This was not someone who was supposed to be here and for what reasons she thought.

Photo by Robin Spielmann on Unsplash

“Elewin, I found it, I found it… I really did find it.” David said with slow but extremely deep voice.

“You found what David?” Elewin replied.

“What we have been looking for all this time, can’t you tell” David replied with a firm confident voice as he moved closer to Elewin who had just stepped outside into the morning light.

“David, you look younger, like so much younger, I thought it was an illusion, but you really have become younger by nearly 70 years.” Elewin looked puzzled and tilted her head slightly trying to understand what was truly happening.

“I found it, the fountain of youth, or so I believe. I have a great lead on where it might be, and it is true, as you can see for yourself, I have lost 95 years of age and now have a youthful young body. This guy had a vial and a map of the location.” David said, slightly increasing the speed of his speech though it was still very slow. Putting his hand on Elewin Shoulder. “Priestess Elewin, you need one more adventure, you have time. Don’t let this be the end. We could have many more years together. Please come with me to find this Fountain of Youth, you know how important it is for you.”

“This has to be crazy to think I could ever adventure in this shape. Do you not see that my age has but a few months left of life? How would I have the ability to do such a thing like this?” Elewin replied shifting from a shocked look to a worried look. “I am scheduled for my ending ceremony tonight, I am fully ready to take my leave of this…”

“Stop, Stop, this nonsense talk has to stop, you have a chance to live another lifetime. Let us have this one last adventure, it could be the future of our lives and gives us a chance for more. It could be the Adventure of a Lifetime”, David said as he talked slowly but very sympathetic to Elewin in a convincing voice.

“Ohhhh David, you always had a persuasive personality, among other skills. If it worked for you then it must be true. What happened to the guy who sold you the vial?” Elewin was starting to perk up as she replied, but her energy was not what it once was, and she would have to find something to give her motivation again.

“Well.. here is the thing, the guy died. A group of strange men in Black and Green robes ambushed us. I barely made it out with my life. He wasn’t so fortunate. Thankfully I was able to buy the map and vial from him before we were attacked. It was a very close call.” David replied with a bit of sadness in his voice. Taking his hand off Elewin Shoulder and continued looking to her answer.

“David, David, oh my god, I am not sure if this is really true, or if you are off on another one of your dream adventures, but Yes…” Elewin sighed, “Yes you have my word, I will join you in this final adventure, should it pan out or not.” Elwein shook her head side to side in disbelief but to honor her friend David, she would try.

“Great, Great. Then we can go, let's go” David Replied now raised in excitement. Even his excitement seemed an underwhelming experience.

“David, slow down please, I still have to go into town and buy supplies, get my arrangement canceled, and find something to give me a little strength for this adventure.” She straighten her back and called for the little boy in the back. “Iston, come help me gather my supplies”

Iston was hiding just inside the church's double doors trying to eavesdrop on what was being said. Stepping out right away. “Yes Priestess right away”

“David, I will be ready within the day,” Elewin said, with a crackling soprano voice.

“Great, I will be at the Red Tail Inn in town. Meet me there Priestess Elewin” David replied before taking his leave. Walking back to town he gave Elewin a goodbye for-now wave.

Elewin turned and entered the Church to gather her supplies and make her necessary things to do before leaving. “This will be a very long-ending adventure.” Her final thoughts were while entering the church.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9



Naomi K.

Writing all types of articles on relationship, love and creating fantasy based books.