Fantasy Story

“Adventures of a Lifetime,” Chapter 1 -Good Morning-

Chapter 1: The First Morning of the Main Character starts her life.

Naomi K.


Chapter 1

Good Morning

The wind was blowing so hard that the sound of crackling pine trees could be heard as they swayed from side to side. The weather was very warm, as the summer air rolled in knocking off the old dead pine needles off the newly blossoming green lush pine trees. The aroma of the bakery was mixing with the heavy wind, pushing it up the rough dirt road; smelling the scent of freshly cooked strawberry cupcakes. In the distance over the housetops, the bright radiant sun could be seen piercing through the clouds of the early morning.

Photo by Hanbyul Jeong on Unsplash

Looking through the old classic stained glass window was a very old woman with long flowing grey hair that draped down her back past her hips, smooth as high-quality silk. The icy cold blue eyes caught the light drifting over the housetops and through the stained glass lighting up against her pale smooth skin that seem to have never faltered as she aged. Sitting on the edge of her chair with her hands resting gently on the edge of her knees, fingers lightly resting upon each other. Her nails had yet to be cut in some time and had grown long, much longer than she would have liked, painted in a light woodland brown. Her beautiful elven red dress embroidered with blue trim along the seams, with a crest of a black swain, with wings spread wide open was imprinted on the upper left corner of her fine red dress.

Elewin, Elewin, You're being requested at the front. A younger boy in white robes called out from a distance as he approached. The man in the front of the church is asking to be seen immediately and is very impatient. The boy said as he stood now beside her only a few feet from Elewin.

Elewin turns her head looking at the boy who was no older than a young elven lad in their prime as she heard the boy with shoulder-length brown hair and those same icy cold blue eyes speak against her long elven ears, catching every sound as though it was being screamed at her. She lifted her hands to slightly cover her ears for a moment as he began to speak for the first time.

“Iston, welcome child, welcome. Slow down, my dear boy.” She said with a very old crackling crisp voice of a soprano woman. “Tell him that I would be with him in a few minutes, I think he can wait after.” Looking back to the window for but a few minutes.

Iston was looking down at Elewin in the chair and replied with a very quick response, feeling as though he was always in a rush. “Yes Priestess Elewin, as you wish”

Not a moment later the boy ran out of the room, leaving the door to the room wide open and out of sight. Elewin could still hear him running through the church halls towards the front.

Oh my, that poor boy is always in a rush! Elewin murmured off to herself as she began to stand up hearing her old bones grinding together from her age.

Elewin reached over to pick up a large brown leather bag that seemed to hold a vast amount of coins, unsure of the exact amount within, although the weight of the bag could be easily identified to her as she has held many bags of coin in her long 983 years of her life.

“9258 Gold coins,” She said and smiled as she lifted the bag with one hand and strapped into across her shoulder to head down the hall, walking out of the bedroom. Her frail thin body was still able to lift that 185 lbs bag as though it was but a feather.

Walking towards the door, she turns and glances back to her simple well groomed clean bedroom after she passes the door frame. She reaches down and pulls the door closed very slowly.

“This will be my last day with you my old friend, for we have spent many nights together but now it is my time,” Elewin said softly as though she was never coming back, which in her mind she knew would be the case this time.

Walking down the old church halls towards the front towards the large double doors, seeing the light piercing through the stained glassed windows displaying assorted angels in different poses. The light streamlined across the center of the large aisle as she passed the altar at the head of the church. The essence seemed as though she was having her way light up before going into the light. Walking down along the path towards the double doors at the end her thoughts racing with so many things. One particular thought races through “This is the end, this is where we will start a new and become immortal. I will be with you soon my love.”

Elewin approaches the door and opens it with the slightest of ease, looking forward to seeing a man in heavy black leather armor, shimmering from the sunlight, from what looks like a newly purchased Studded leather armor. Each and every stud shines so brightly, with a silvery shine. His deep black pants were very loose, almost too baggy to walk in, but were tucked in at the bottom of his brown leathery rugged old boots, that looks as if they have walked a million miles. His tan skin and dark black hair were cut very short in a buzz cut with brown eyes looking back. His skin looks so young, as though he could even be over the age of 20 for a human. Wearing what looks like a black onyx earring in their right ear. Standing there in front of the door weaponless, or so it would seem.

“David, I wasn’t expecting you…?” The look on Elewin face was completely in shock at the mere sight of him.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9



Naomi K.

Writing all types of articles on relationship, love and creating fantasy based books.