The Hero’s Hold #21 — April 12, 2022

11 min readApr 12, 2022


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Newsletter


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on Monday, 4/11 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (Game News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Hero Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Hero Wallets)

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

It’s been a couple weeks since the last issue due to everything that’s been going on, so there’s plenty to catch up on here.

Crystalvale Launch

It’s hard to believe that Crystalvale — and the brand new DFK Chain — launched a full two weeks ago!

Zinra reminds us to keep our distance from Skaddrissale and the sacred Crystal.

I hope that in between CRYSTAL farming, everybody takes a moment to click on the many, many NPCs and critters, and admire all of the artwork along with the amazing new soundtrack by composer Sam Shandley.

Master Erik teases new mini-quests to come…

These NPCs aren’t just there for lore. Many of them hint at incoming mini-games or quest lines. These also all seem to be associated with particular stats, and may serve as a “warm up” of sorts for the incoming stat-based land tournaments. They may also be associated with the training quests mentioned in this week’s Game Mechanics AMA.

Pet and Combat Teasers

Last week’s Design Team AMA (links below) brought the teasers as always! We also learned a little more during this week’s Game Mechanics AMA.

Pets & Hatching

The biggest news here was a teaser for the launch of Pets, which coincided with the addition of Hatcher Jerek in the Serendale Marketplace.

Illyrian Leafra (Legendary Pet)

A few reminders about Pets:

  • Each color Pet egg will hatch a specific set of Pets
  • Pets come in a variety of rarities, just like Heroes
  • Pets will provide bonuses both to combat and professions (mostly to individual Heroes, but some bonuses may be for groups)
  • Hatching will begin with Blue and Grey Eggs
  • Hatching will require use of some of the lesser used crafting reagents rather than a significant amount of JEWEL


Alongside the amazing art teaser below, we learned officially this week that game combat will be modeled after Final Fantasy XII’s gambit system.

Archer vs Thief Combat Teaser

If you’re not familiar — I wasn’t — the gambit system allows players to set up what essentially amounts to a series of AI rules for how your characters will behave in combat: when to attack, when to heal, what abilities or spells to use under various circumstances, etc. Given the limitations of the blockchain and the team’s goal of keeping all combat logic on-chain, this places the strategy in the set-up of combat rather than the play itself, and allows combat to play out according to the rules inputted beforehand.

For a discussion of both the pros and cons of the gambit system in FFXII, take a look at this lengthy Reddit thread.

Genes and Gen0s

The past two weeks have also seen quite a bit of discussion around Hero genetics, focusing on two issues which, I will stress, are not related, though they are easily conflated.

Crystalvale Gen0 Genes

The issue of CV Gen0 genetics has been bubbling for a little while now. For a full view of what’s at stake here, watch this excellent video by Mettez:

But in short, these new Gen0s present a balancing dilemma in terms of how to distribute their recessive class genes as well as both dominant and recessive genes for subclass and appearance. Either all CV Gen0s end up with only CV genes (Seer/Berserker and related appearance genes), or they are diluted by the Serendale genes.

In response, the team announced at yesterday’s AMA that they are looking at allowing Gen0 holders the chance to re-roll some of their Heroes’ genes in order to distribute these genes across the entire Gen0 pool, rather than just the CV Gen0 pool. This would also need to happen during every expansion. Ensuring a full balance would require all Gen0s to re-roll every time, so we can likely expect an announcement of incentives to do so.

Re-rollable genes would likely include:

  • Main Class recessive genes
  • Sub Class dominant and recessive genes
  • Relevant appearance genes — assume Head Appendage and Back Appendage, but potentially some of the colors as well

Expect much more detail on this in the weeks to come.

A teaser from the Crystalavle portal

Team Gen0 Genes

The other Gen0 issue is a longstanding one involving the genes of Heroes #1–19, which were custom designed for the team. As is well-known at this point, and discussed in previous AMAs, those initial Heroes were inadvertently seeded with Advanced, Elite, and Transcendent Active/Passive genes in (mostly) recessive slots — genes that have now been passed down to (potentially) some 2,400 Heroes.

For a full overview of these genes, as well as the issue with the Team’s Heroes, take a look at the article that I wrote back in February:

But to the news — Hubert clarified at yesterday’s AMA that when combat is released, in order to participate, all affected Heroes will need to undergo a process to re-roll only those specifically affected genes. This includes both the genes for Heroes #1–19 as well as all of their descendants that may have inherited them. And while genes that mutated from affected genes are included here (i.e. Transcendent from an affected Elite gene), genes whose origin is indeterminate (and there are less than 50 of these genes in total), will be treated as legitimate.

In the meantime, I’ll reiterate the warning that I wrote two months ago about speculating on Advanced+ Hero genes:

The bottom line, then, is that if you have Heroes with these skills or are looking to buy and speculate on these Heroes, you should be absolutely certain of their lineage and of whether these genes are newly mutated or inherited from Heroes #1–19. — MrZipper

Hero of the Week

This week we welcome a new first in the realm of Hero genetics — Sraritte Direkeep, summoned from the Inner Grove with tentacles growing out of her back! Congratulations to summoner Ben Fren!

Sraritte Dirgekeep #165741 (Tenty Huntooooor)

For those of you keeping track, this is a transcendent tier Back Appendage, created from a mutation between the orbs and the portal (take a look at her parents in the Tavern Catalog). Like a DreadKnight, there is only a base 7% chance of this mutation occurring with the correct parent dominant genes.

Since then, two more Hero tentacled Heroes have been summoned, both by Ben Fren aka Tenty Huntooooor: #168049 and #169178.

In Smaller News…

Some other news, announcements, and content from the past two weeks:

Community AMAs

Official Content

From the Community

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

  • Total Heroes: 169,217 (+4,144 / 2.49%)
  • Living Heroes: 146,581

Hero Growth

Hero summoning has continued at a very slow pace, as the recent drop in Hero prices has made even Gen0 summoning less profitable. It did, however, pick up toward the end of this week. The total number of heroes increased by 4,144 (2.49%), while Living Heroes is now matching in growth as only 34 Heroes remain unclaimed from the Perilous Journey.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Apr. 11: 169,217 (+4,144 / 2.49%)
• Apr. 4: 165,103 (+2,070 / 1.27%)
• Mar. 28: 163,033 (+3,776 / 2.37%)
• Mar. 21: 159,257 (+4,499 / 2.9%)

Tavern Volume

Tavern sales have been slow for the past two weeks, pushing prices even further down, initially as everybody scrambled for Crystalvale liquidity. The average number of sales this week was 678, with a total weekly volume of 450k JEWEL — up 125k from last week’s lows. The average sale price this week was 94 JEWEL vs. 72 last week.

Note: As with the other data, the daily numbers represent the 24 hours prior to 8am ET on the listed day.

Hero Stat Breakdowns

As a reminder, this section now contains data for living Heroes only — i.e. those not held by the Graveyard wallet.

With fewer new Heroes being summoned, Hero levels have continued to shift upwards, with both Level 1 & 2 falling below Level 6. Additionally, the launch of the daily Leaderboard contests seems to have reinvigorated the use of Stamina Vials, as we now have two Level 12s & one Level 14 Hero!

Highest Profession Skills

The highest profession skill numbers continue to trickle up, but I can’t help but notice that the top Gardener in the game right now is a Level 1 Common. Please level your Heroes!

  • Foraging: 21.4 (#1976 / Legendary Archer, Level 11)
  • Fishing: 21.3 (#38676 / Rare Knight, Level 10)
  • Gardening: 19.8 (#37848 / Common Pirate, Level 1)
  • Mining: 18.5 (#106567 / Legendary DreadKnight, Level 7)

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 20,571* (+478 / 2.38%)

Note: As of this morning, 4,248 Heroes were held in custodial wallets (including the PJ Contract), and are not included in this data. The Graveyard wallet is excluded from this data.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth numbers ticked up slightly after weeks of record lows. In some ways this isn’t surprising — many players may have sold off their only Heroes for CV liquidity, and new players may not be looking for Heroes just yet. In addition, a significant number of Heroes are being held outside of game profiles, and could be reducing this total.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Apr. 11: 20,571 (+478 / 2.38%)
• Apr. 4: 20,093 (+185 / 0.54%)
• Mar. 28: 19,985 (+432 / 2.21%)
• Mar. 21: 19,553 (+521 / 2.74%) (3-week interval)

In terms of overall DFK profile stats — recall that these are the number of profiles created in the game, not necessarily all wallets that have interacted with it we saw a wallet growth of 1.19% this week.

Important Note: Since Crystalvale does not yet have in-game profiles set up, any new players who headed directly to Crystalvale would not be included in these numbers.

Hero Wallet Stats

Over the past two weeks, the average number of heroes held per wallet decreased slightly to 6.92 heroes, while the median wallet held steady at 3.

A few key hero wallet metrics (April 11)
A few key hero wallet metrics (April 4)

The number of Heroes held by the Top 50 wallets continued to increase over the past two weeks— by 3.1% this week on top of 3.2% last week, perhaps from scooping up cheap deals in the Tavern.

On the lower end of the spectrum, wallets holding only one hero has increased for the past three weeks — by 2.5% last week and 1.5% this week. The overall share of one-hero wallets also increased by 1.9% last week, but declined by -.8% this week.

Wallet Rankings

Please note the logarithmic y-axis scales of the charts below, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 125–149, 150–199, 200–249, 250–299, and 300+ heroes. If you have better ideas for how to display this data, please let me know!

Gen0 Wallet Stats

We’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 843 (-8)

Over the past two weeks, Gen0s have indicated some increasing consolidation as the number of single Gen0 holders declined again (by 8). However, given the slight decline among Top 50 wallets as well as 10+ holders, that consolidation doesn’t appear to be happening at the top. The median held steady this week at 2.

A few key metrics for Gen0 wallets (two-week change)

Among wallet movement of Gen0s, there appears to have been a decent bit of shuffling around. Beyond the obvious +5/-5 movement, just a few stand out this week: Almost (-4), Ogre Abroad (-2), Zenith (-2), and yojimbo (-2).

Hero Whale Watch

And finally, let’s check in on our Hero whales. A few big changes in Hero numbers here, especially at the top by Chi. Two new names this week as well, as Whynn and Michael3388 make it onto the leaderboard. They’ve both been among top Hero holders in the past — #16 and #18 last week, respectively.

Account Name / Hero Count (Change) / Gen0s

  1. Chi / 315 (+27) / 0
  2. Pikul / 300 / 6
  3. Highness Royal / 282 / 0
  4. leon / 281 (-9) / 8
  5. Whynn / 273 (+73) / 0
  6. Michael3388 / 261 (+71) / 4
  7. holmes / 245 / 12
  8. Natahala3 / 241 (-1) / 3
  9. DarkSaga / 240 (+17) / 1
  10. Chichowski / 240 (+8) / 0

Total heroes held by Top 10: 2,546 (+132 / 5.2%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely my own, and do not reflect those of the DeFi Kingdoms team. Nothing in this article constitutes financial advice, or should be taken as such.

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A teaser for the Crystalvale Hero Portal

