Two years since the ICO: Great achievements — and more to come!
Published in
9 min readApr 21, 2020

Wow — it has already been two years since we SODL (Sic! :)) out our ICO back in April/May 2018. Since then, many great things have happened : the Unibright Framework has been developed and released, Freequity is on its way, well-known enterprises have partnered with Unibright, EEA and Baseline is building upon Unibright’s tech and knowledge. We want to thank everyone involved in this journey: our community and especially our team. In this blog post, we want to shed some light on what has been achieved since the ICO and what is to come.

While putting together this blog post, we decided to point out only some of the great things Unibright has achieved over the last two years . Our goal is to show the overall direction of Unibright; for more details, be sure to check our blog and social channels.

The history

Unibright crowd sale

May 3rd, 2018: 10 days after our crowd sale started, the last tokens were sold. We feel honoured and are aware of the great responsibility to set our vision alive — bringing blockchain technology to the enterprise world. We are all convinced (more than ever) we will be part of something big. The future is Unibright. Read more.

Unibright Hackathon with Microsoft Germany and Zühlke

May 28th/29th, 2018: We meet in Microsoft Headquarters in Munich on Sunday, one day before the Hackathon. We have supervisors for Ethereum/Solidity from Switzerland and Germany and Hyperledger experts from Serbia. The main goal of the Hackathon is to create an understanding of how smart contracts work and how hard it is to code them manually. Understanding that a deployed smart contract, as a piece of “online” code, cannot be updated or changed easily, clearly shows the benefit of the Unibright approach, where the desired process is defined visually and the resulting code for different blockchains is generated automatically. Read more.

Lufthansa together with Unibright at Pillar Unconference

Based on different templates, like Unibright’s “Asset Lifecycle” template, participants of the “hackathon without a single line of code” compete in working on visual definitions for a real life use case, encouraged by Lufthansa:

  • Asset lifecycle of planes and equipments on the blockchain
  • Miles&More and alliance/partner loyalty programs on the blockchain
  • Voucher management for Lufthansa partners on the blockchain
  • Personal seat and flight booking management for professionals and resellers

Read more.

NEM and Unibright

August 2018: NEM (“out-of-the-box, enterprise-grade blockchain platform”) and Unibright (“blockchain agnostic integration framework”) team up in an official strategic partnership. Through this relationship, Unibright developers receive blockchain training and certification through the Global NEMsp Network. The NEMsp (NEM Service Partner) Network provides qualified partners like Unibright with the technical skills and business benefits to integrate clients on the NEM Blockchain and scale regardless of industry, specialization or experience. Read more.

Unibright, NEM and DataDash

Demo Premiere of the Unibright Framework

October 2018: During our blockchain meetup in Belgrade, we showcase the Unibright Demo, the beta version of all components of the Unibright Framework. We screen record the walkthrough on the morning after the meetup to share it with the public — enjoy!

Unibright and Deutsche Bahn Vertrieb: Ecosystem Tokenization via Blockchain

December 2018: Unibright develops the architecture of a blockchain-based solution for bringing together numerous travel services(tickets, vouchers, local transport, accommodation, local train networks) together with Deutsche Bahn Vertrieb. All participating values and assets are represented as tokens, that act like vouchers with a specific purpose in the ecosystem. Read more.

Unibright visits European Space Agency (ESA)

January 2019: Blockchain technology has been finding its way into many industries lately, such as finance, insurance and transportation. Space is no exception! Unibright was asked to give a presentation at the European Space Agency (ESA). Read more.

Unibright at ESA

The Unibright Framework is product ready

March 2019: We are happy to announce that the Unibright Framework is now product ready! The beta version was presented publicly in October and opened to public use (our “demo”) in December 2018. Our software is now ready to be used in enterprise surroundings! The core framework is “product-ready” and can now be used by enterprise clients to bring their existing systems and processes into the blockchain — without writing a single line of code! Read more.

Unibright and Zühlke Engineering launch Carbonara: Compensation of Blockchain related CO2 emissions

June 2019: The Carbonara Coinpensator ( is a blockchain related open-source project, established by Unibright and Zühlke Engineering. The main goal of the project is to raise awareness around the energy consumption of public blockchains. Read more.

Developing and brainstorming around Carbonara

Unibright enables anyone to create DAML smart contracts with “no code” developer tools

November 2019: Unibright announces that its blockchain integration framework now supports DAML, the open source smart contract language created by Digital Asset. By adding support for DAML, business people and developers can now use the Framework’s modules to visually model business processes and automatically generate DAML code. The integration also enables the connectivity of DAML-based applications with legacy enterprise systems and multiple blockchain platforms. Read more.

Unibright and Tokenization: Unibright Freequity

December 2019: We present our vision of a regulatory-compliant 360° security token platform. Unibright Freequity is a platform that covers all relevant stages of the tokenization process and integrates them into markets and system landscapes. This includes issuing, liquidity solutions, custodian services, programmable portfolios, big data analysis and — of course — integration! Read more.

Unibright forms EEA Taskforce EMINENT together with Chainlink and Anyblock Analytics

January 2020: The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Mainnet Working Group forms a key Task Force named EMINENT (Ethereum Mainnet Integration for Enterprises), focused on the standards and specifications used to integrate the Ethereum Mainnet with ERP, CRM, and other corporate systems of record. We want Unibright to have a leading role in the future of how blockchain will be used by enterprises. That is why we are taking the lead of the EMINENT Task Force under the roof of the EEA. Read more.

Unibright Freequity Liquidity Concepts

February 2020: We publish details about our liquidity solution, as part of our 360° security tokenization platform Freequity. We discuss the background and importance of liquidity, the market’s existing solutions, as well as our Freequity approach and its first customers. Read more.

The Baseline Protocol. Ethereum for Enterprises, with Unibright

March 2020: EY, ConsenSys, and Microsoft announce the formation of the Baseline Protocol, an open-source initiative that combines advances in cryptography, messaging, and blockchain to deliver secure and private business processes at low cost via the public Ethereum Mainnet. Unibright will play a major role in developing the Baseline Protocol, which is about connecting traditional systems to each other via Ethereum Mainnet. The Unibright Framework will be “Baseline-ready” to support visual smart contract modelling, generation, connection and monitoring of “Baselined” processes. Read more.

Renewable Energy “on chain”

March 2020: Using blockchain technology to trade energy and track the corresponding data is one of the most promising applications of distributed ledger technology. Unibright is working with an innovative German startup that provides renewable energy through decentralised hydroelectric power plants. Unibright Solutions provides two initial workshops to prepare the usage of the Unibright Framework for energy trading, monitoring, data analysis and integration. Read more.

The Team, Team Tokens and Community

We are very proud of what has been achieved during the last two years — starting from zero, we built a blockchain startup with multiple verticals. We’d like to thank all the people that made this possible and put endless time and resources into Unibright: our team, our ambassadors and our community.

For everyone in the community: thank you for following our channels and updates, asking questions, giving valuable input, making introductions and spreading the word about blockchain and Unibright! We are still in a state of early adoption of blockchain technology, and in some years from now, we will all be able to state that we were part of forming this new technology.

For all our ambassadors and individuals supporting our community channel: thank you for taking your personal time to dive deeply into all topics around blockchain, smart contracts and Unibright. With your help, it is easier to explain the state-of-the-art to new members of the community and to help adoption grow. We at Unibright can deliver innovation, but you are the ones that help to raise awareness all over the world!

For everyone in the team: from a diverse group of individuals, we grew into a superb team creating Unibright. Thank you for the blood, sweat and tears invested. We have more than 20 people collaborating on Unibright. Through our agile setup and developer network all over Europe, we are easily able to put more resources into development whenever needed at peak times (like prior to the release of the productive version of our Framework, when 35 people were actively helping for the release).

As great things have been achieved so far, we are happy to be able to start distributing some share of the team tokens reserved during the ICO to the team in the weeks to come. After 2 years of the tokens being locked, we are sure that everyone within the team receiving tokens is incentivized to participate long-term within our great venture.

The Future

With our verticals we offer workshops around blockchain technology and tokenization, and of course integration of different systems and blockchains with the Unibright Framework.

With our leading engagement within the EEA, EMINENT and Baseline, we are actively working on standards and shaping the future of enterprise blockchain adoption, together with the likes of ConsenSys, Microsoft and EY.

With Freequity (our 360° tokenization platform), we have everything in place to distribute and manage digital currencies and tokenized assets.

Stay tuned, as we expect to have updates on these topics soon!

We are very excited about how our next recap will look, in one or two years, and are giving Unibright our all to ensure it is a success.

The future is Unibright-er than ever! Thank you for being here!

Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. Unibright turns ideas into businesses, and improves processes with the help of blockchain technology.

Unibright develops enterprise solutions, invests in start-ups, builds process modelling tools and integration platforms and offers a 360° ecosystem around tokenized assets.

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Learn more by visiting the Unibright website, Twitter and Medium.

