Community Highlight #11, Dr. Jekyll

Once in a while, the spotlight is put on one active member of the Alephium community. This is an opportunity to showcase community members’ contributions to the ecosystem, what drives them, and what they are passionate about! More episodes: #1 here, #2 here, #3 here, #4 here, #5 here , #6 here, #7 here, #8 here, #9 here, and #10 here.

3 min readJul 21, 2023

What can we call you, and where should we picture you?

You guys can call me Dr. Jekyll!

Tell us about yourself/your persona

My online persona is quite cheeky. I enjoy having nitro so I can access every type of emoji/sticker I can find. I have had this Dr Jekyll since maybe early 2021. My previous one was no longer suitable 😂

How did you find out about Alephium?

I was introduced to it by a friend who was part of the initial sales and is still involved. At the time, it was very early and bringing devs here was a harder sell than it is today, as everything is now fully ready. I’m very glad I did hear about it, though, and randomly caught the bottom on $ALPH at 5–8c.

What excites you about Alephium?

Whenever I look to build projects on a blockchain, I like to be among the first movers, to be there before it’s crowded and where there is a tight-knit community. None of these things are mutually exclusive, but their combination is rare. Being a part of something new with such a smart team and, let’s be honest- completely alien tech, is exciting. Also, the ridiculous valuation of $ALPH itself makes me pretty confident I’m going to be rich 😀

There is a much longer answer I could go into here, namely POLW, sharding (!!!!) and the team's relentless work and approachability, but I don’t want to write an essay. Anyone new to Alephium and is interested in underlying tech should read up on the above mechanisms, as it’s quite special. I’m a bit of a POW maxi, but I have generally found other POW chains too expensive for the small guy, too cumbersome or too slow.

What excites you about the future of Alephium?

Shameless dex plug for $AYIN. In summary, what excites me the most is dapps coming with the bridge, particularly on-chain trading of ALPH-USD. I don’t like CEXs for coins I want to accumulate. I prefer on-chain liquidity for simple buying. I’m a simple person. I’m also excited to see how this adaptation of POW scales as it happens and to see new devs onboard their projects.

There is nothing better in crypto for me than being early on a chain where everyone is excited, and the first dapps start popping up everywhere, it’s like being “in the know” about something and then being proved right later. I’d love to see the type of work the core team puts in be rewarded with widespread usage of their creation to inspire others and allow them to keep building.

How do you contribute to the Alephium ecosystem?

I am an extreme discord lurker, and I am part of the team building the first DEX. In the other groups, I am a proud Alephium Shiller, as well as IRL.

About the DEX, while obviously, we are all here for $$$ at the end of the day, that focus is taking a back seat for me personally. I’d love a place for people to be able to trade $ALPH on-chain, as well as whatever other tokens are built on Alephium. So I think this is a contribution.

What do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies?

I surf and love it—my only real hobby/thing I do. I also travel a lot, but it is mainly to find new places to go surf.

This concludes #11 of the community highlights. Thank you, Dr Jekyll, for sharing your passion with the Alephium community and helping grow the reach of the project throughout Asia and beyond.

We’ll be back with another episode of the community highlights in August2023! Meanwhile, you can follow Alephium on GitHub and Twitter, or join the conversation on Discord, Telegram, or Reddit.




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