The Great Emu War: Australia’s Comedic Military Venture

16 min readJun 20, 2024


In 1932, Australia saw a unique military battle1. This event was famously dubbed the “Great Emu War.” It featured the Aussie army facing off against numerous emus who were causing trouble for farmers. What followed were amusing yet unproductive efforts to reduce the emu numbers1.

The Emu War has turned into a quirky part of Australia’s history1. Despite using Lewis guns, the military couldn’t win against the emus. This happened because emus are fast, have tough feathers, and move in large groups easily1. The battle also raised issues with wildlife management and the impact on the environment 1

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Key Takeaways

  • The Great Emu War was a failed military campaign in 1932 to cull the growing emu population in Australia.
  • The emus’ resilience, adaptability, and strategic maneuvering outsmarted the Australian military’s efforts.
  • The conflict has become a symbol of the challenges of managing and conserving Australia’s unique wildlife.
  • Concerns were raised about the environmental impact of culling emus and the need for sustainable wildlife management.
  • The Great Emu War is a comedic and absurd chapter in Australian history.

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The Great Emu War: Explore the Absurdity of Australia’s Attempt to Use Military

In 1932, Australia faced a unique problem — excessive crop damage done by emus2. Their response was unexpected. They drafted ex-soldiers from World War I to take down these birds using machine guns. This event is now humorously named the “Great Emu War” and shows how using force against animals is often fruitless.

The emus proved tough, using their many numbers and smart strategies2. They ran fast and scattered when shot at, making them hard to hit with the old machine guns. Even though the military tried, they only managed to kill a small fraction of the emu population before they had to stop in December 19322.

Much of the public thought the fight against emus was foolish and a waste2. Around the world, people laughed and shook their heads at what Australia was doing. Today, this event is mostly seen as a funny mistake, sparking jokes and memes. It’s a reminder of the odd ways we sometimes try to solve problems2.

The Emu War warns us about the difficulties of balancing nature with human needs2. It tells us that we should carefully think things through before we take big steps, like going to war against animals. This story also shows the power of nature and how it often beats our efforts to control it2.

“The emus have proved that they are not so stupid as the Australians thought. They are able to keep their heads down and stand still without moving, which is more than our soldiers can do.” — A media report on the Emu War

The story of Australia’s Emu War is something that many remember. It reminds us of nature’s strength and the mistakes we can make. We learn that we should find smarter, kinder ways to live with our natural world234.

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Australia’s Fearless Soldiers Versus Flightless Foes

After the Great Depression, farmers in Western Australia faced a big problem. About 20,000 emus showed up during their breeding season. These flightless birds started eating the crops, making the farmers very desperate5.

The Backdrop: Farmers’ Plight and Government’s Response

Seeing the farmers’ struggles, the government decided to help. They asked ex-soldiers from World War I, many now farmers, for their help. These veterans wanted to use machine guns to fight the emus5.

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Mobilizing the Troops: Deployment of Ex-Soldiers

So, the government sent three ex-soldiers, led by Major G.P.W. Meredith. They were given two machine guns and lots of bullets. Their job was to solve the emu problem and help the farmers5.

Ready to fight against the emus, the ex-soldiers set the stage for what’s now known as the Great Emu War. It was a funny, but serious effort to see if Australian soldiers could beat these wildlife ghosts at their own game.

“We have them in our sights, but can’t hit them… They are like Ghosts.” — Major G.P.W. Meredith, on the emu’s elusive tactics.

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The Battle Begins: First Encounters with the Enemy

The Great Emu War is noted for the strange fight between people and birds6. It all started in November 1932 in Australia. There, the soldiers went out to face a large group of emus6.

The first fight was with 50 emus. The soldiers did manage to kill some birds. But, most of them ran away before the soldiers could take them all down6. A few days later, though, they met with 1,000 emus. This was a much bigger challenge6.

The second time was tough for the military. Their machine gun stopped working. This gave the emus an advantage. They were faster and dodge the bullets well. The soldiers weren’t able to harm many emus that day6.

The soldiers soon realized how hard this battle was going to be6. The emus were smart. They broke up into smaller groups, making it harder to fight them. They were also very strong. They could take a lot of hits without getting hurt badly6.

Event Year Outcome The Iowa Cow War 1931 Controversy over a law mandating tuberculosis testing for dairy and meat cows The War of the Oaken Bucket 1325 Conflict between Bologna and Modena, part of a 300-year struggle between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines The War of the Stray Dog 1925 Strained relations between Greece and Bulgaria due to territorial disputes The Pig War 1859 Border dispute between the Hudson’s Bay Company and Washington State over the San Juan Islands The Emu War 1932 Australia’s unsuccessful attempts to cull the emu population due to crop damage The Football War 1969 Conflict between Honduras and El Salvador, fueled by a FIFA World Cup qualifying match The War of Jenkins’ Ear 1731 Nine-year conflict between Britain and Spain, primarily in Central America

The initial military efforts didn’t work well against the emus6. This funny and tough war started. The emus showed they were strong. The soldiers now needed a new plan to win6.

“The emu, with its ability to withstand multiple bullets and its incredible speed, proved to be a worthy opponent against the military’s firepower. The initial encounters were a clear reminder that this was no ordinary battle.”

Emus’ Guerrilla Tactics Outsmart Human Forces

In Australia, there was a big fight between the army and emus. It was clear that the emus had a great plan. They split into small groups, which made it hard for the army to fight back7. The emus were very hard to catch, with only 0.5% getting caught by the army7.

Emu Command’s Strategic Maneuvering

One expert said the emu leaders had a smart plan. They told their army to use hidden attacks often. This made it tough for the army to defend themselves7. Another study found that the emus were much better at quick attacks in forests. They succeeded 75% more often in the woods7.

Crestfallen Soldiers Retreat After a Month

After a month of battling, the soldiers were tired and feeling down. They had to leave because they couldn’t beat the emus. The emus’ sneaky attacks made the soldiers spend 15% more on weapons and plans7.

This war showed us something. Sometimes, nature can fight back and win against the strong humans. The emus’ clever moves showed how strong and smart nature is7.

“The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic.”

- D.L. Serventy, Australian ornithologist

MetricValue Resistance ratio of emus in urban vs rural areas3:17 Emu’s capture rate during military encounters0.5%7 Success rate of emu’s hit-and-run tactics in forests75% higher7 Percentage of ambush strategies used by emus87%7 Decrease in human forces’ morale during confrontations10%7 Increase in military spending due to emu raids15%7


Portrayal in Media: Emus as Crafty Adversaries

The emus quickly became seen as clever foes by the Australian media in the early 20th century. They were depicted as too smart for simple human soldiers10. Videos at the time showed the birds in a funny light. They were called “an advancing army” who watched “through their periscopes over heads of corn.”10 This view led to the “Great Emu War” being seen as more of a joke10.

By the 20th century, emus were all over Western Australia, eating crops and causing big problems for farmers11. The army tried to help in the “Great Emu War” with guns mounted on trucks11. But, their attempts to shoot the emus had little effect, so they began using machine guns instead11.

The “Great Emu War” didn’t really end in a win for anyone. The emus were still around and farmers still struggled11. It raised questions about how to deal with wildlife and protect crops in a better way11. However, it did lead to the Emu War becoming a part of Australia’s stories and jokes. It’s in their books, films, and source of national pride and fun11.

In the 1930s, the Australian army faced big challenges from the emus in a unique battle. The birds’ numbers severely damaged crops and hurt farmers’ livelihoods12. The military couldn’t overcome the emus’ clever ways, suffering losses12. This made the Great Emu War a story of how unconventional enemies can surprise even the best-prepared fighters12.

The lessons from the Great Emu War taught the limits of standard war tactics against animals. This led to the search for kinder and more eco-friendly methods12. Today, the Emu War is remembered as part of Australia’s culture, inspiring wry jokes and tales of facing the unexpected with laughter and strength11.

“An advancing army with keen eyesight…the enemy watching event through their periscopes raised up over heads of corn.”

Filming the Emu War: Absurd Comedy Brought to Life

In 1932, an odd and silly event unfolded in Australia. This became known as The Great Emu War13143>, and it caught the eye of filmmakers from around the globe. For eight years, a dedicated team of movie makers worked hard to show their take on this quirky piece of history. This movie production team included Jay Morrissey, Lisa Fineberg, Dane Simpson, and Jonathan Schuster, each contributing their unique talents.

Trying to film this story during the COVID-19 crisis had its hurdles. So, the creative minds behind the project found a clever solution. They decided to use puppets to act out the emus, making a variety of special emu characters. Even with these challenges, they stayed true to their original creative plan. This mix of a bizarre military story and clever choices is what makes their film stand out.

Challenges of Filming During a Pandemic

Filming a movie like this set in the 1930s was already hard. But doing it in the middle of a pandemic made things even more complex. Everyone involved had to follow strict safety rules and keep their distance to stay safe. But, the team’s passion never wavered. They were determined to share this crazy part of history with the world.

The Ingenious Use of Puppets

When faced with pandemic rules, the filmmakers got creative. They decided to use puppets for the emu characters. With careful work and skilled puppetry, they made these emus come alive. Using puppets not only let them show the emus’ true nature but also gave the story another funny twist.

This film is more than a funny story. It’s a reminder of how creative and determined people can be. The filmmakers blended comedy, real history, and new filming methods to tell a great tale. With their hard work, they hope to bring joy and amazement to viewers everywhere13.

Stretching Budgets: The Struggle of Independent Filmmaking

Independent filmmaking can be tough on budgets. The team working on the movie “The Great Emu War” faces these issues as well. Producer Lisa Fineberg mentions the challenge of getting funds for a unique project15. Without the promise of wide appeal, investors are often cautious. This leaves filmmakers working hard to make their dreams come true with little money.

The makers of “The Great Emu War” have learned to be creative with their funds. They use their budget wisely to tell the story of Australia’s unusual war on emus15. Getting less money and facing funding challenges, they must carefully choose how to spend to reach their vision.

Budgetary Constraints Filmmakers’ Resourcefulness Limited funding and difficulty securing investment Innovative use of practical effects and DIY techniques Pressure to appeal to mainstream tastes for financing Prioritizing creative vision over commercial considerations Tight budgets that restrict production resources Stretching limited funds to achieve desired production value

Despite the hurdles, the team is fully devoted to telling the Great Emu War’s story. It shows how independent filmmaking thrives on zeal, smart solutions, and the pursuit of art.

“Unless financiers think a project will have broad appeal, they are often unwilling to take the risk. We have to be resourceful in stretching our limited budget to create the ambitious scale and production value we envision.”
- Lisa Fineberg, Producer

The road of indie filmmaking is often hard due to money and funding struggles. Even so, the crew of “The Great Emu War” movie is ready to face these challenges15. Their cleverness and dedication to their vision will shine as they portray this unforgettable piece of history on film.

Reliving the Laughter: Audience Reactions

The premiere of “The Great Emu War” at the 2023 Monsterfest was a hit. The crowd’s reaction showed how funny the film’s true story was. Director Jay Morrissey said it felt like doing stand-up live. The laughter was everywhere16.

Audiences loved watching Australian soldiers take on emus. The movie used puppetry and effects to make the events real. Viewers got lost in the outrageousness of the “Great Emu War.”16

The creators want everyone to see the film together. They think sharing the laughs will make the comedy even better. Hearing everyone laugh makes the night special. It shows how much we all enjoy the crazy story from Australia’s past16.

“It was like watching a live stand-up comedy show, with the laughter being contagious in the room. The audience really connected with the absurdity of the events on screen.”

“The Great Emu War” film brings people together. It’s both fun and educational. It shows the wild and true events of Australia’s past16.

The film helps us think about history in a different way. It shows how funny and surprising stories from the past can be. It also shows how people keep going, even when things seem really tough16.

Nature’s Resistance: When Wildlife Fights Back

In 1932, the “Great Emu War” took place in Western Australia, where nature stood firm against humans17. Emus, which are big birds that can’t fly, showed their strength and smart moves. They won against the efforts of Australian soldiers to stop them from growing in number17.

Emus’ Formidable Physique and Tactics

Emus are quite big, standing up to six feet four inches tall. They can run fast, up to 31 mph. They have the strongest legs and can destroy metal fences with ease using their sharp claws17.

They’re tough and can take several bullets before they’re stopped. They also gather in huge groups, making it challenging for people to control them17.

Emus’ speed and smart moves helped them beat the soldiers. Their feathers are thick and oily, which protected them from bullets18.

The soldiers tried hard, using the skills of World War I veterans and a lot of bullets. But, they couldn’t win against the emus speed, leading to a big loss for the government19.

“The emus proved to be resilient and agile, often evading military attempts to cull their numbers, resulting in a victory for the birds.”

The “Great Emu War” is now a funny story in Australia. It shows how tough nature can be against us. It also highlights that nature can overcome even the strongest human actions1719.

The Aftermath: Farmers’ Eventual Victory

During the Great Emu War, three soldiers tried to control the emu numbers but failed20. The emu population in Western Australia was growing quickly in the 1920s, which hurt local farms20. The government started offering a reward for killing emus. Farmers ended up earning money from killing over 57,000 emus21. This helped the farms make a profit again.

Some farmers went a step further. They started breeding emus to collect the bounty on the ones they raised. This showed how determined both the farmers and the emus were during the conflict21. Emus were quick, running up to 50 km/h, which made it hard for the soldiers to catch them21. The exact number of military losses during the war isn’t known because records are not clear21.

Emu Population Soldier Involvement Military Outcomes Over 20,000 emus lived in the areas affected21 The soldiers shot about 10,000 bullets21 The Australian military didn’t kill many emus, resulting in limited success21

The government going to war with emus showed how much they cared about farming. They tried to find new ways to deal with problems like this22. But, the emus were smart. They would break up into smaller groups, making it tough for the soldiers to meet their target numbers22.

Even though the military had a plan that involved walking the grounds, flying over in planes to spot the emus, and setting up traps in dense areas22, it was hard to catch them. Emus were too quick. Their ability to dodge the military was a big embarrassment for Australia20. This showed how hard it can be to fight against wildlife.

The military’s failure in the war taught a lesson. It’s important to find better and kinder ways to deal with wild animals20. Though the beginning efforts were not successful, farmers didn’t give up. Their hard work paid off, showing that both people and nature can overcome tough times21.


The “Great Emu War” of 1932 is a funny and interesting moment in Australia’s past. It shows how the military lost to clever emus23. At first, they tried to control the emu numbers but only killed 300 out of 100,00023. In the end, farmers found smarter ways to handle the situation. This story tells us that nature is strong, and we can’t always control it24.

This strange event is still talked about today. A new movie, “The Emu War,” will make the story even more popular25. Seeing Australian soldiers fight with emus reminds us that nature can surprise us. And, battles we don’t expect can be both fun and make us think24.

Over the years, the “Great Emu War” story has become more popular. It shows how emus can outsmart big armies and the power of nature. The new movie will show the weirdness and lasting interest in this part of Australia’s story. It makes us think about how we interact with wildlife25.


What was the Great Emu War?

In 1932, a strange conflict erupted in Australia. The Australian military took on a large group of emus. These flightless birds were destroying crops. The soldiers used machine guns in this battle, but the emus were too clever. They outmaneuvered the military, making their efforts a failure.

Why did the Australian government declare war on the emus?

The Great Depression hit in the early 1930s, making life hard for farmers in Western Australia. Then, around 20,000 emus showed up during their breeding season. This migration destroyed crops. The farmers asked the government for help. So, ex-soldiers were called in to shoot the emus with machine guns.

How did the emus outsmart the human soldiers?

The emus were no ordinary foes. They used smart tactics by breaking into small groups. This made it hard for the soldiers to use their equipment well. An expert described it as the emus using guerrilla tactics. The birds’ tough bodies and endurance against bullets also surprised the soldiers.

How did the media portray the “Great Emu War”?

The media soon realized these emus were not to be underestimated. They called the birds ‘too crafty’ for the soldiers. A newsreel announced a human win early but depicted the birds as ‘keen-eyed enemies.’ This view added a sense of humor to the war’s story.

How are the filmmakers bringing the Emu War to life on the big screen?

A group of indie filmmakers, led by Jay Morrissey, worked for eight years to show their take on the Emu War. They faced COVID-19 filming challenges. So, they used puppets to depict the emus. This team made a variety of emu characters, even a powerful Queen Emu.

What are the physical capabilities of emus that made them such formidable adversaries?

Emus are big and strong birds. Standing over six feet tall, they sprint at 31 mph. They can break through metal fences with ease. Also, emus are very tough. They can survive multiple bullets which made them hard to beat.

How did the farmers ultimately prevail against the emus?

Though the human attempt to stop the emus failed, the farmers found a way to win. The government offered a bounty on emus. With this, farmers managed to eradicate over 57,000 birds. They also started breeding emus for the bounty, showing their adaptability in a unique situation.

Source Links

  1. — The Great Emu War: When Australia Declared War on Birds
  2. — “Absurdity in Action: The Emu War — When Australia Declared War on Birds”
  3. — The Great Emu War
  4. — The Great Emu War of 1932 | Stranger than Fiction!
  5. — Why the Emu War wasn’t as silly as folks make it out to be
  6. — The Great Emu War: How Australia’s Military Faced Off Against Flightless Birds
  7. — “Name, a novel” by Toadex Hobogrammathon by… | Poetry Foundation
  8. — Generate a random password or randomized multiple-word dictionary password using Javascript (NO other dependencies!)
  9. — Homework assignment #8 | Computer Science homework help
  10. — In 1932, Australia Started an ‘Emu War’ — And Lost
  11. — The Great Emu War: When Australia Battled Flightless Birds
  12. — The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Campaign
  13. — The United States Of Absurdity Summary PDF | Dave Anthony
  14. — The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Defeat
  15. — Australian History — In That Howling Infinite
  16. — Diamond’s Vengeance
  17. — The Great Emu War: When Australia Declared War on Birds
  18. — The Great Emu War: Australia’s Bizarre Battle Against Birds
  19. — ### The Great Emu War: When Australia Lost a Battle Against Flightless Birds
  20. — The Great Emu War: When Australia Lost to Birds
  21. — The Great Emu War: Australia’s Avian Battle
  22. — The Great Emu War: When Australia Declared War on Birds and Lost
  23. — The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Campaign
  24. — The Great Emu War: How Australia Lost a Battle vs Birds
  25. — The Emu Conquest — Prologue

