Galactic Council Considers Earth’s Fate Part 13


“You’d like to see more of earth?” Vanna smiled with delight. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to one of our training centers.”

Arctur’s eyes opened widely. “This place is beautiful, so much life, so much energy. Ocean, jungle, mountains. Even the air smells fresher here!”

“Yes, this is a land the earthlings call Costa Rica. People come here for yoga, but they stay because they learn how to communicate with me. They learn how to open their minds and channel my thoughts.”

“My Arcy-sense tells me that there is special energy here.” Arctur took a deep breath.

“Yes, there is a type of inter-dimensional wave pattern interference that is conducive to our teaching mission. It draws the earthlings like magnets and rearranges their brain frequencies in beneficial ways. Unfortunately, it also attracts some undesirable visitors.”

“I can see the attraction. If the planet wasn’t on the verge of such chaos, I would consider building a vacation dome-station here.”

Vanna offered her hand, which Arctur readily accepted. “Let’s go in and observe. I have a routine with the teacher where she will communicate with me by going into a trance and allowing me to speak through her.”

“I would love to see that!” Arctur smiled. “It must be hilarious!”

“Perhaps to you it would be,” Arctur, “but I can assure you that it is serious business. We have an initiation process with yoga teachers that has spread very fast. They are our strongest force against Reptoid control.”

“That’s impressive, I don’t mean to joke about it. Can you communicate with any of these earthlings? Even the ones that the Reptoids control directly?”

“We can, but that doesn’t mean they are ready to listen, so we must be strategic. Other beings from other planets can communicate as well, and many do. Their intentions are almost all benevolent, but it’s confusing to the earthlings. Mostly they have been taught that there is only one benevolent supreme being, and everything else is negative.”

“So, I can project my thoughts onto an earthling, and he will understand me? That is most interesting.”

“Yes, but if you were to try it, you must do so only with a condition of pure love. And only when the earthling asks for it.”

“So, if I wanted to, I could probably start my own religion among the earthlings, and have them worship me? Arctur contemplated. “Hmmm, I wonder what could go wrong?”

“I can tell you what could go wrong, because it has already happened many times here,” Vanna responded. “It is not just the Reptoids that have created religions as a way to control the earthlings. Others have done it, and their self-serving desires never promote free will. If any good has come from it, it has helped keep the Reptoids from consolidating their control. It contributes to chaos.”

“Vanna, you have a lot of work to do here. Surely, you’re not doing this work alone. How many others are helping you?”

“There are many Venusians, but we also have help from others. Nevertheless, it is a slow process, we’ve had to reach each earthling through their own path. There may be a tipping point at which there can be large scale evolution, but that cannot be predetermined.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“We first got involved when a tribe of Semites created the first serious rebellion against the ruling order at the time, the Egyptians. A group of them managed to escape and survive in the desert. We detected their stress signal and that was when our first Ambassador arrived.”

“That’s been many solar cycles,” Arctur observed.

“Yes, it’s been a scramble ever since. These days on earth, nobody knows who to believe. They believe nothing, or everything. Some realize that they are slaves, and they conclude that there is a way to break free. When they are looking, we are here to help them.”

To be continued…

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

Part 3 here

Part 4 here

Part 5 here

Part 6 here

Part 7 here

Part 8 here

Part 9 here

Part 10 here

Part 11 here

Part 12 here



Fritz Elmendorf Twitter @felmendorf2

Retired journalist, Congressional Aide, PR exec in DC. New Messiah is my serial novel about Luke, a Rockstar, UFO contactee, running for 2024 US President.