The Galactic Council Considers Earth’s Fate Part 12


Arctur the Arcturian tuned into Vanna’s Venusian frequency and left a quantum note. “I have good news to share.”

Synching her time-space coordinate to Arctur, Vanna was expressive. “It’s so good to tune in with you Arctur. My heart chakras have been tingling a lot lately.”

“Yes, I’ve been sensing your harmonies as well, Vanna. I have wonderful news to share! The Council has authorized a formal investigation of the Uranians!”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! We must celebrate.”

“Let’s meet at our favorite place by black hole Pohepi,” Arctur suggested.

Within moments, Arctur was looking into Vanna’s bottomless blue eyes. “It’s so wonderful to see you in all five dimensions. You are beautiful in each of them,” he greeted.

“Words slip off your tongue like butter from Betelgeuse,” Vanna blushed. “I hope earth can soon be rid of these Uranians. They do nothing but terrorize the people there.”

“But their treaty requires them to do a memory block when they take an earthling so that they don’t cause unnecessary harm,” Arctur noted.

“Sure, but their memory blocks don’t always work, and earthlings are finding ways to break the blocks. They are remembering horrible stories, and not only is it cruel to the victims, but it also makes many people believe that all extraterrestrial contact is bad.”

Arctur promised, “I will ask for a report from the Investigation Force about their progress. That will let them know that I am keeping an eye on them.”

“Thank you. I think you are starting to care about what happens to the planet earth.”

“I surely did enjoy my quick tour of earth. You were pretty tough on Wilbur, ha ha. It makes my root chakras tingle. I like a woman who can take charge.”

“Yes, you will like it then that the earth women are beginning to assert themselves. Gaia has entered a new precessionary solar cycle and they are moving from masculine energy to feminine energy. Because Venus is aligned with feminine energy, we are especially able to help with that transition.”

“I’d love to take another trip to earth with you, Vanna. But first, we must couple.”

To be continued…

Part 1 here

Part 2 here

Part 3 here

Part 4 here

Part 5 here

Part 6 here

Part 7 here

Part 8 here

Part 9 here

Part 10 here

Part 11 here

Part 13 here



Fritz Elmendorf Twitter @felmendorf2

Retired journalist, Congressional Aide, PR exec in DC. New Messiah is my serial novel about Luke, a Rockstar, UFO contactee, running for 2024 US President.