Run for the Shadows (Pt 6)

A Nano-Tech Thriller in 13 Chilling Parts

Gus Gresham
4 min readAug 18, 2022


Photo Credit: Gus Gresham (Author)

<< Part 1 << Part 2 << Part 3 << Part 4 << Part 5

This is Part 6

Run for the Shadows

Over the Nevada desert, there’s a frenzied humming drone that can be heard even above the roar of the chopper blades.

“What is that?” asks the bodyguard.

“The MIMs,” says Professor Moreton. “It’s the sound of scientific progress beyond our wildest — ”

“Enough. You’re not off the hook yet.”

“I don’t get it,” says the president. “I’m witnessing steel girders magicking themselves into existence. At the rate of a foot per second. But the iron ore’s depleted. How the hell is this structure still rising? It must be the tallest thing in the world now.”

“And the least stable,” says Moreton. “Gravity’ll kick in soon. When it does, we’ll have the best seats in the house!” He glances towards the bodyguard and adds, “Don’t worry. As long as we maintain this flight pattern, we’re safe.”

The chopper describes a wide circle of half a mile in diameter with the top of the tower at the centre…



Gus Gresham

Writer of Fiction. Interested in the Human Condition, Science, the Environment, Social Justice, Family. Also writing Memoir, Travel, Opinion, occasional Poetry.