How to be Anonymous #3 Email & Zoom

4 min readDec 20, 2022


DISCLAIMER: This tutorial series is for educational purposes only. Any advice will be welcomed. I hope this will help you maintain your anonymity. I have used Windows 10 operating system for this tutorial, as it is most people’s primary operating system, but if you really care about your privacy it should not be used as your primary operating system. Use linux instead, and when possible, open source software. You don’t have to strictly follow the things I’m going to do. This is just to give you an idea so you can follow it or change what suits you best.

In this episode we are going to create an anonymous email and Zoom account using an email provider which doesn’t ask for any personal data, and of course, from our Kodachi VM. We will also install and setup Zoom’s app.

I recommend that you watch the video tutorial while reading this article to make it easier to follow the whole process.

How to be Anonymous video tutorial #3 Email & Zoom

I have simplified the tutorial as much as possible to make it easy and quick to follow. Let’s get started:

1) Creating Anonymous Email

Kodachi desktop Dashboard — ISP IP

Always check that your ISP IP is not your real one and it’s Lokinet’s. Also wait until the OS connect to Kodachi’s VPN.

Open Kodachi Lite Browser and check again what’s your IP.

Kodachi Web Browsers

Make sure is the same IP as Kodachi’s VPN. screenshot — Kodachi VPN IP
Kodachi desktop Dashboard — VPN IP

Now go to

Skiff Registration window

Sign up and create your anonymous email account.

Follow the account creation process.

Skiff recovery method

Here I recommend to don’t add a backup email, because it could be linked to your identity. Better to just download the recovery key.

Download Skiff recovery key

Remember to save it in a safe place inside the VM.

2) Creating anonymous Zoom account

Now go to and sign up with the Skiff’s email you just have created. verify your age

Always write fake details, never your real ones.

3) Downloading & Installing Zoom

Ok, now you have your email and Zoom account.

Let’s download Zoom’s app.

Go to

Select Ubuntu and click on Download.

Ubuntu Zoom download

Open the Downloads folder and right click-> open Tilix Here.

Downloads Kodachi folder

Write “sudo apt install ./zoom_amd64.deb

Installing Zoom from the terminal in Kodachi

Now you have installed Zoom in Kodachi Linux!

Adding Zoom to the desktop from the start menu

Click in the right left menu button and search “Zoom”.

You can right click and add it to the desktop.

Open Zoom.

Zoom application login

Log in with your anonymous account.

VMware Connected devices

On the VMware option bar, click on Player-Removable Devices and check that your camera and microphone are connected/ticked. Also check the Sound card is connected.

Zoom Audio settings

Now go to Audio options and test the speaker and microphone.

Zoom Video settings

Go to Video and check that your camera is working. screenshot

(Optional) Go to and see if your internet speed is enough for zooms’ video call.

Internet speed requirements for Zoom

I have tested it and it’s enough :)

Note: Remember to always check your IP. If the internet it’s going too slow for zoom, you can use another vpn instead of Lokinet. Or even just using the Kodachi VPN. I prefer to use an extra one outside the VM.

I hope you liked this tutorial and see you in the next one!

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