Happ-Y-Ness Factor News — 8


So many moments to celebrate over these last few months… how about you?

So, may I share?

Many of you might know I am the CEO of the Blockchain Legal Institute. BLI has been created to become a recognized centralized library, or repository, of resources for consumers, businesses, service providers and those researching topics within the areas of artificial intelligence, bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain use cases, and the laws, policies and regulations impacting these areas. Since the last posting (August), the Blockchain Legal Institute has onboarded such partners as the Government Blockchain Association, Global Blockchain Business Council, Nordic Blockchain Association, Catawba Digital Economic Zone, Atlanta Blockchain Center, AI & Partners, Project Pi, University of Wyoming Center of Blockchain & Digital Innovation, and many others soon to be announced.

We were also invited to meet businesses and individuals as we prepared for our trip to Bermuda.

We also hosted our first Global Broadcast livestreamed on YouTube,

Twitch, Twitter, Decentraland and other locations with the Premier of Bermuda as our Key Note Speaker.

Prior to our global broadcast, I was invited to speak as an internationally recognized author at the Bermuda Fintech Conference in Hamilton, Bermuda. We were able to tour Bermuda and interview families for the next book, The Bitcoin Cinderella & The Pink Sands Treasures of Bermuda.

At the Bermuda event, we announced the launch of the Blockchain Legal Institute’s Career Day Talk Show (virtual) which will initially feature Bermuda’s fintech community and the businesses found within their growing blockchain community. We also announced the April release date of The Bitcoin Cinderella & The Pink Sands Treasures of Bermuda.

Other news since August to share includes the continuing growth of the CryptoMom2 Talk Show series which includes interviewing over 15 women who will be featured in the fourth Bitcoin Cinderella book, The Bitcoin Cinderella & The True Stories of Women In Bitcoin, to be releasee in time for the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

So based on all of these events, what lessons have I learned during these last few months?

Lesson 1: Pacing….Find Your Moment To Smile…

How do you pace your life? Not how do you pack your life? How do you find balance within the pace of the life we have…

Our calendar can be filled with many life moments to include major life events, demands by others, our physical well being, and expectations by others or by ourself.

How do we manage these moments and still appreciate or be thankful for the sunshine coming through the window, the singing of the birds, the sneeze we cannot hold any longer, or the flat tire we just experienced?

We can fill up the calendar with many moments. Someone once shared with me to find within these moments small pieces of joy to make you smile. For when you smile, your mind creates the endorphins to create happyness.

Lesson 2: Mind Mapping…For The Small Moments…

It’s definitely permissible to change your mind and to go a different life direction, yet how do you decide which path to go if you don’t have a GPS?

What is Mind Mapping?

First, although we will be speaking about mind mapping, please remember that being spontaneous is equally important in our life. We need to enjoy the freedom to stop, turn around and do something entirely different than what is planned. However, by mind mapping life decisions, business direction, or just the plan of the day, we can reduce the stress of what we might call the unknown and we can help our minds manifest our dreams.

Mind mapping for me is back mapping a plan of action. For example, if I know I need to publish a Bitcoin Cinderella book by July, on a chart paper I will list the months backwards to the start date of the map. So if I am mapping from November 2023 to July 2024, I will have each month listed with when I need to have each chapter finished to when the book needs to be at the printer and delivered to the conference. Every detail will be outlined and visually mapped out. These targets help me manage the multiple projects I am enjoying with my business.

Daily mind maps can also be created to help with the flow of the day based on the morning, afternoon or evening desires and what needs to be accomplished. Even by marking in your calendar the time to do absolutely nothing. We all need time to regroup and recharge. Small messages can be found when one is just walking in an airport…

How about mind mapping your mindset this month as we go into the holidays? For those who are in the United States we will be recognizing the holiday of Thanksgiving. Without thinking about the commercial meaning behind the holidays, think about journaling each day what you are thankful for…small pieces of joy found daily…

Lesson 3: Health Check…Start Now!

I recently shared with a friend that I believe I had manifested a sore throat so I did not have to do certain projects because of being sick on that day. When I shared that to my friend, I realized how much our subconscious works to support what we consciously or subconsciously desire… Do we desire illness to avoid situations? Do we manifest over time certain conditions because it feeds other parts of our life? Sometimes maybe yes…sometimes maybe no… However, when I realized what I had manifested I shared with my friend that I am manifesting health from this point forward. If I need time to do other projects, I do not need to become sick to ask for the time to do what I would like to focus on. So what about you?

This is a perfect time to take a health barometer. We all make health goals at the beginning of the year. Let’s take that health check daily. No guilt. Just action. One small step daily (even literally if needed).

Download a calendar of the month. On this calendar you can start anywhere. Put 1 minute of exercise in the 1st day of your calendar. Then in the 2nd day of the calendar put 2 minutes. Then in the 3rd day of the calendar put 3 minutes. Continue each day adding one more minute until you get to 30 minutes of daily exercise.

After exercise, add 1 more glass of water each day. Start small. Just start. I will be doing the same as you…I need to for me… I want to grow to 105 years and be in perfect health. Yes, I do! Join me…..

Lesson 4: Be Kind… To Yourself & Others…

Over the next 60 days we are going to be exposed to so many commercial messages related to the holidays. Many of these messages have wonderful intentions. Yet many of these messages can trigger responses that might be unexpected.

Include in your daily journal how have you been kind to yourself. We have all heard the importance of treating ourself first so we can then support others when we are on an airplane. The true is applies to our life journey as well. Being kind to yourself can start small (getting an extra 15 minutes worth of sleep) or larger (taking a walk in the park to take time away from the computer). Then share that kindness by doing something unexpected for someone else and see the smile of appreciation. Offering to help someone is a gift everyone can appreciate and in our world can create larger ripples we all need.

Please share with me at jcoopertravels@gmail.com your stories. I always love hearing from everyone.

As we get close to Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks all parts of our life. As you are searching for gifts to share with your family or friends, please consider sharing the resources being created for you:

Give the gift of the Blockchain Legal Institute’s library membership to help you, your family and others in business:

1. Access to Knowledge: BLI offers a vast repository of knowledge in the form of blockchain books, digital resources, and educational materials.

2. Personal Growth: BLI’s library supports lifelong learning and personal growth. Gifting a membership encourages the recipient to explore new topics, hobbies, and interests, fostering intellectual development.

3. Cultural Enrichment: BLI’s library offers access to cultural resources from around the world. A membership can provide opportunities for cultural enrichment and appreciation.

4. Community Engagement: BLI serves as a community hub where people can connect with others who share their interests. Membership encourages community engagement and networking.

5. Supporting Education: For students or researchers, the BLI library membership can be invaluable in supporting their academic endeavors by offering access to academic journals, research databases, and study spaces.

6. Promoting Reading: Gifting the BLI library membership can encourage a love of reading, especially among young readers. It provides access to a wide range of resources and encourages regular reading habits.

7. Customized Learning: BLI offers specialized services, including educational programs, language learning resources, and career development support. A membership can help recipients tailor their learning journey.

Overall, gifting the BLI membership is a thoughtful way to promote knowledge, personal growth, and community engagement while supporting the recipient’s interests and values. It’s a gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.

Feel free to share the existence of the Happ-Y-Ness News Factor with those in your community.

Keep your messages coming. I am always excited to hear your thoughts, questions, and comments.

As I always mention at the end of my shows, remember to be kind to yourself and to others. We are interconnected, and our actions ripple across this shared world.

Wishing you love, support, and joyful travels…

Until our next update, Jacqui (Also known as CryptoMom2)

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe and share this with friends, family, and professional networks. Your support helps us grow and continues the dialogue.

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J. Cooper, JD, Travel & Blockchain Consultant

Talk Show Host & Producer: JCooperTravels/LoveTravelScotland/CryptoMom2 & VirtualCareerDay